Chapter 6

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England had gotten a call from America telling him that they needed to speak. He wondered what sort of problem was he up too now, and was even a bit worried about.After all, he had the tendency to come up with potentially dangerous stuff for everyone and himself. Needless to say, he took the first plane he found to his place.

He knew the way to America's house as he had even there countless times before.After all, he used to be England's little brother. Once he arrived, he was glad to see that the house hadn't burn down yet.

"America, I'm here !" England called out as he knocked on the door.

"HEY DUDE, THANKS FOR COMING!" America nearly ripped the door as he opened it. "I could really use your help, please come in "

It was nice that America asked him specifically for help, but he would rather not have him be so enthusiastic about it. "Please tell me it's not another dumb plan of yours "

"Nah, I promise it's actually important" well, at least for him it was "See, I have a bet with Italy, and I could really use your help to win it "

England raised an eyebrow "and why do you need my help for that ?"

"Well, the bet is about getting Japan to confess his love for me. I thought that since you'd known him longer than I did, maybe you could help me " America explained.

There were so many wrong things in what America had just said that he didn't even want to bother correcting them all.While it was nice that at least he had taught about him, England didn't like his reasons even one bit. "You seriously continue to surprise me everyday "he sighed

"Aw thank you bro !" America didn't think that was a bad thing "So what should I do ?"

"For starters, don't be so goddamn loud and obnoxious !" England told him with a very serious tone. The first step would have been to not do such an stupid bet, but he knew America wouldn't back down, and chances were Italy wouldn't either. "Japan doesn't really like that sort of behavior. Perhaps if you acted more like a gentleman though, he might chose you over Italy. "

"Wow you really think so?" America's eyes sparkled with hope "Dude you're so awesome ! "

"You bloody have to stop saying dude!" England remarked "Maybe I can teach you to be a gentleman, but trust me saying that annoying word won't help you at all."

"WHAT?" That felt like a stab for America "But that's like my favorite word ever !"

"Do you want to beat Italy or not ?The bloody frog is probably helping him, and trust, me he could easily beat you without his help in the first place " Not like any of those were lies "You better learn or else you got no chance."

"Well, then teach me " America would certainly miss using that word.

"Well, first of all, you gotta change those clothes. " usually, America just wore some jeans and a shirt, at least after the forties. "Put on something more mature. Like what you'd wear for a world meeting."

America pouted but nodded.He grabbed a pencil and a notepad to write down everything England was saying.

"Second of all, stop saying you're the hero. It's annoying and I'm sure Japan is tired of hearing that, and so is everyone else possibly "

"But...I'm the hero " what England told him definitely hit his heart.

"Come on America, don't be so childish !" England scolded him "Which brings me to the third point: you have to be more mature. Don't just go around talking about video games and that sort of things, it'll only make you look like a kid."

"Alright. I mean, Japan is a mature guy after all" America was trying his best not to be whine about all those comments.

"And for god's sake, don't be yourself. That would only hand the victory to Italy"England was convinced that that was good advice.

"Thanks du...I mean, England " pretty much, the usual enthusiasm in America's voice was mysteriously gone by now "Is that all I should do ?"

"There's more, but I can't make miracles " England then thought about what he just said "Wait I can, but I would need to use my magic "

"Oh no thanks,I wanna live !" Though he believed that was fake, if England's magic was anything like his cooking, the result would be terrible.

"Hey, I could also use it on Japan or Italy " a love potion or a potion that did the opposite was quite easy to make after all.

"I think I'd rather win this without any magical intervention " he also didn't want to nearly kill either of them, even Italy.

America Vs Italy: Japan's heart will be mine ! Where stories live. Discover now