Chapter 13

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Japan felt weird...well, sad. Both America and Italy had acted weird during their hanging outs. They had both been unusually cold: Italy hadn't given a hug, for starters. If Japan was honest, he wasn't a fan of physical contact.
However, the fact that Italy had been his first hug changed things. Tho he had been weirded out by it at first, it was rather comforting. Thus, he was the only being allowed to give him a hug. The last time tho...he even rejected Japan when he had been the once to ask if Italy needed a hug.
He figured that maybe he was annoyed with him for some reason, and decided not to bother him anymore with that. Even if he was scared by being around a dangerous place, the last thing japan wanted was to make his friend feel uncomfortable, so he decided not to get that close to the Mediterranean for the rest of the night.
It sounded stupid, but it really hit him. Not to mention, why had he chosen to do something that really made him uncomfortable?Italy hated scary movies, even more so if they didn't have any sexy scene. Hell, he had even refused to speak with the women that were around them.
Was it because he would rather not be seen with Japan ?Perhaps it was certainly the answer. He didn't even turn to look at the cat, as if he wanted to get out as quick as possible.
America and him usually got along well: they both shared similar interests. Yet America had said those same things were childish. He was also quite unsure on how to take the place his friend had chosen to take him: was here trying to tell him that he was undesirable and annoying, like a parasite ?
Maybe he was exaggerating, but a tiny voice in his head kept telling him exactly that. It also didn't help how rather cold America was: his energy seemed gone, he wasn't even being friendly enough to call him "dude". His whole appearance was like he wanted to get to his meeting as soon as possible, and had only gone to see Japan because he had too. He even refused to go dance, something incredibles unusual. And now that Japan recalled, he never claimed to be the hero.
'Maybe they just hate you.See, they are so annoyed because of you, that they act weirdly !After all, no one likes you !'Japan's tiny annoying voice was speaking
The Asian country tried his best not to listen to it, but it was hard. Maybe he needed a drink...Seeing he had almost no alcohol at home, he decided to go to one of the bars near his home.
He wasn't that social, but hey, maybe that was the thing: maybe he should be a bit moire outgoing, and perhaps they wouldn't feel so embarrassed to be with him.
Even if Italy hadn't believed it at first, Japan was past the age could certainly drink alcohol. Of course, he would try to drink just enough, but not get himself intoxicated.
While it was relatively safe to get drunk at his place, it hurt his head every time he did that. He just got one beer...then another beer...then another...and another one...and a beer...then another...yay, some beer !
Of course, he began to walk quite erratically. He wasn't really fond of dancing, as it hurt his hips, so he just tried to stay in a corner. Thankfully, he soon spotted to familiar faces: America and Italy. Forgetting why he was drinking in the first place, he tried to approach both countries, who were currently speaking between them. As he approached the two, he was partially able to hear what they were talking about.
"We can't let Japan find out why we are here..." that had to be America's voice
"Si, it could ruin things..." that was Italy speaking.
If he had gotten closed, maybe he would've gotten to hear what exactly were they saying. Unfortunately, alcohol and anxiety could be a horrible mix, making him think for the worst already. He didn't want to cause any scene or make them feel even more uncomfortable, so he left as quietly as he could.
Of course, you could see the tears on his face as he walked. Usually serene and hard to read, his drunken state turned him into an open book. He knew it, he knew they didn't want to be around him. They were happy that he wasn't there to bother them in the first place.
The alcohol made every step he took he erratic, almost not being able to walk at all. His vision was incredibly blurry, to the point he wouldn't even be able to recognize himself if he looked at a mirror. But was it really alcohol, or were they his tears ?There was no way of telling.
There's a reason as to why sometimes it's better to just lay in the street in case you got to wrong, but he wasn't able to think properly at all in the first place. He had no idea were was he even directing himself too, and all he felt in a second was someone grabbing him.
Should he put a fight, or just left himself get dragged ? For some reason, he chose the second option. He couldn't tell if the person was someone he knew, or just a complete stranger. He also couldn't tell if that person had good or bad intentions, but he couldn't really think about it in the first place.
Whoever had taken him, got him into a hotel room. Japan wasn't sure if he should panic, but oddly enough, he didn't feel like he was in danger. Even weirder was that, due to the lack of everything he felt at the moment, he hugged someone he couldn't even recognize in the first place. He then felt asleep, something that could be dangerous in the first place.
Had America and Italy seen that, they would've exploded in jealously, contrary to what the Asian nation felt they would think at that moment. They would've also possibly be scared, if at that movement they knew the state he was at, and that he could have gotten kidnapped.

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