Chapter 19

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Thanks to the rules set up by Prussia, Romano and England couldn't check in their brothers. Neither could Canada, but he was mainly against it on the first place. That wasn't a bad thing, at least for Italy and America: they were both happily dating, and didn't owe an explanation to them. Not that they could ask anyways.
Japan and Germany were also enjoying their time together. They hadn't announced their relationship to anyone yet, as they were far too polite to do so until they both felt comfortable. The blonde's older brother wasn't trying to pester him to find out anything, as he had also agreed not to interfere . Prussia did know he had gone on a date with the Asian, but that was it. At least he could rest assured that his little brother hadn't asked Japan to marry him.
It so happened that both couples were staying in the same place at the moment. As the next world meeting was approaching, the four of them were staying in the same city, taking it as an excuse to enjoy a simple vacation together. Each world meeting was set two months apart , a time that helped the four of them do whatever they wanted in the while. This time, it was taking place on France, more specifically, in Paris.
Of course, as they were walking through the city , they happened to encounter each other.
Japan had tried not to recall the incident. While he still texted Italy and America, even calling them sometimes, he hadn't seen either of them since that time in the bar. Seeing the two of them holding hands was quite a shock for him. The same could apply to Germany, who was aware of the events as his now boyfriend had told him.
"Japan, Germany! Hi!" Italy said cheerfully, not letting go of his boyfriend's hand.
"Hey guys !" America smiled.
"Oh, hello" Japan was as polite as always, but he felt a bit hurt even then. Germany could tell, but he was also too polite to yell at them in public.
"Hello, it's nice to see you" the German said in his usual voice.
"What are you doing here ?" Italy asked curiously. He and America were sightseeing, and were planning on going for something to eat later.
"Oh we are just walking, nothing more "Germany answered. He wasn't exactly happy with the two.
Thank god that the cheerful couple lacked the essential ability to read a room, or well, pretty much anything. It's not that they had forgotten the issues they caused, they just weren't very aware of how Japan had felt. Well, Italy suspected it, but he didn't know just how bad he had felt.
"Huh, really?Guys it's Paris, it's the perfect spot for couples !" America commented "Italy and me were going to the Eiffel Tower later, wanna join ?A double date would be fun !"
"Si!The view is very nice from up there! There's also the Versailles palace, I'm sure you would love it!" Italy added
"Well, we hadn't...wait, what do you mean with couples ?" Japan asked. Those two weren't smart enough to figure it out. Hell, even someone smart would have a hard time guessing he and Germany were together romantically.
"No one should know it " Germany knew that Japan wouldn't have told anyone without asking. He glared at them, and there was no way either of them could survive that for too long "How did you know?"
"Oh well...." America had forgotten that detail. He really didn't want to explain it. "It's a very funny story that I honestly would rather not tell"
"It's alright bello, I think they would've found out sooner or later." Italy took over
"Japan...America and I tried were trying to get you to end up with one of us last time we went to your home, so we took you to a date each"
"Wait, those were dates ?"Japan asked.Those two seriously had a fucked up idea if that was the case. "And you don't actually hate me ?"
"Y-yes. Sorry that they sucked dude, England was the one who told me what to do " America said shamefully
"Romano helped me" Italy admitted "We followed what they said, but I guess it was a bad idea"
"You two absolute idiots..."Germany complained "but that doesn't explain how did you know we are a couple "
"We wanted to speak with Japan" Italy would rather not get into too much details of what they did "And well, we saw you two kissing and Japan asking you to be his boyfriend."
"Yeaaaah, we panicked and hided behind the bushes.Sorry about that dude, we didn't mean to stalk you or anything like that."America promised
"And sorry if we made you feel bad" Italy apologized as he hugged Japan "You are our friend Japan, that's the last thing we wanted !"
"I'm sorry too dude, the hero shouldn't make his friends feel like that" America dragged the puzzled Germany into the hug.
Japan and Germany couldn't breath and were beyond embarrassed, while the other two seemed to be fine. The Asian was relieved to know that his friends didn't actually hate him, and Germany was felt good knowing he wasn't the only to horrible blow up a date. They only let America and Italy decided they had hugged them too much.
"Sooooo...wanna go with us ? "America asked "You don't have to pay, consider it a way to make it up for you."
"Aww bello, that's a great idea !" Italy smiled and kissed America's lips "Come on you two, say yes "
There was no way they would tell them no, it would probably be worse as they wouldn't give up until they agreed. Plus, Germany knew he had no reason to be jealous of the two: they were dating after all.
The view from the Eiffel Tower was incredible. Italy was the one who made sure to chose the wines, and everyone else chose what to eat. Even if it was a calm date by the standards that of America and Italy, and slightly a regular one for Japan and Germany, it was just calm enough for the four.
After paying and going out of the restaurant, Italy and America decided to keep walking through the city, while Japan and Germany retreated to their hotel. After all, due to his age, the black haired country often got tired easily. If anyone saw them, they wouldn't think they were a couple: they barely looked like friends, at least in public. Once they arrived back to their room, Japan smiled and kissed Germany's cheek.
"Germany...I really enjoy my time with you" he said sincerely.
"So do I, Hase" carefully, Germany picked his boyfriend, sat him in his lap, and kissed his lips.
On private, the two of them were often more intimate. They had no strangers watching them, and could just do whatever they wanted without feeling it wasn't appropriate. Unfortunately, as they slowly kissed, the door suddenly opened.
"HEY WEST, I-" Prussia, Germany's older brother, hadn't told his little brother that he was planning on going to Paris. He knew where he was staying as Germany told him the hotel and room in case something happened. That particular room's door seemed to have a convenient defect, as the door had simply opened when Prussia tried to knock.
The three of them were death silent. Was there anything appropriate to say? He hadn't caught them doing anything bad, but that didn't take away how awkward the whole thing was.
"H-hello, Prussia-San" Japan somehow was able to speak.
"Huh, so you two ended up dating ?" That moment was quite obvious "Congratulations, little bruder!I knew my awesome genes were also in you.I was just going to tell you that I'm also attending the meeting as the awesome me was told so by our boss...I'll leave you two alone "
Germany sighed "I think everyone will know we are dating now"
And he was right: Prussia lost not time and ran to France's house.
"FRANCE, OPEN UP, I GOT IMPORTANT NEWS TO TELL YOU" Prussia pretty much yelled.
The French wondered what was up with his friend, and opened the door.
"Well, bonsoir, Prusse" France said politely "What news do you have, mon ami?" he added and invited the albino to come in.
"Mein little bruder is dating Japan" he declared proudly
France was surprised "How do you know ?"
"I found them kissing each other" he explained "I guess we won the bet."
France chuckled "Oh thank god, I didn't want to eat Anglaterre's poison."
"Let's call everyone tomorrow. I'm sure they are all dying to know who are the dumb losers"
"Give me just a second, and big brother will make sure everyone arrives for tomorrow " France assured his friend, and went for his phone.
If anything, everyone who sided with Italy or America should start to pray or find a way that doesn't allow them to eat.

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