Chapter 14

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The fate and identity of the person Japan went with will remain a mystery for now, are there happen to be some things that need to be cleared out first. This means, the mystery of what where America and Italy talking about.
As it's clear, both nations like Japan. Otherwise, why on earth would they be trying to get to date him ? Of course, the poor guy has no idea about this, and the two morons are quite possibly doing everything quite wrong and while believing their older brothers are right. Definitely listening to those two's advices was a mistake on their part.
America, being physically and legally nineteen, was unable to drink in the country. That would be the real case, had his identity documented been correct.
As expected, his stated he was twenty.While it would make sense to just change it, one he found out that most of the world allowed you to drink at eighteen, he decided to keep it like that. Seeing he had nothing better to do, he decided to go grab a drink one particular night.
On the other hand, and while it certainly didn't look like it, Italy was actually twenty. His country didn't actually frown upon alcohol drinking, so he was pretty used to do so. For that reason, maybe he was inclined to go grab a drink. Unfortunately, it was the same particular night that America had chosen to go drink as well.
Neither of them knew the other was on Japan's place. While they heavily suspected it, specially Italy after what his fratellone told him, they hadn't have a way to confirm it. They tried not to let that worry them, as each had their own things to worry about.
America and Italy wouldn't admit to themselves that perhaps, just perhaps, they had messed up their respective dates. But how do ?They had followed the advice given to them, they had made dang sure they did.
Of course, those thoughts only lend them to drink some booze. Italy had quite a resistance, as he was pretty used to drink wine. America, on the other hand, was quite the opposite.He had to drink moderately, or else he would probably pass out from being so utterly drunk. As a result, they were drunk, but not as drunk as Japan, who had definitely drank a bit more than he was able to handle. It was just enough to have a sincere conversation, but not enough to accidentally start hearing or not hearing things without the full context behind them.
Which one saw each other first ?It was hard to tell: America would claim that he saw Italy just sitting down on a table , while Italy would claim that he saw America ordering a drink from the bartender. It any case, they both noticed each other's presence. They weren't exactly happy with each other, but they also weren't mortal enemies. Plus, being honest, wasn't it better to hear how the other was going ?
They both decided to pretend to be friendly, or actually be. America didn't want to repeat certain event that last several years between him and Russia, and Italy just didn't want to do so in the first place.
"Hey America, how are you doing ?" Italy asked. He had been in that table pretty much all the time there, as he would rather not end up breaking his decision not to flirt with any woman
"Oh I'm doing fine, just having a drink ! How about you ?"He answered "Mind if I sit down, du-...Italy? "
Italy really didn't notice America's quick change, but he looked way too different. Heck, it did take him a bit to recognize him at first, had it not been for his glasses.
"Not at all!" The European answered. If anything, he sorta wanted some company. He had to reject a lot of ladies who wanted to sit down with him, but hey, Romano said it was a good idea.
"Thanks" America sat down before he accidentally added a dude at the end of the sentence. To anyone who knew America, he sounded really upset. It wasn't that he was, it's just that he tried to act less energetic than usual.
"Sooo...what have you done here ?" Italy possibly meant 'what are you doing here' , but remembering how English works can be hard when you're slightly drunk.
"Just wanted to grab a beer, nothing else" he just totally wanted to pretend that his self scene was in no way harmed by the words England had told him. Nope, he forgot about them, it had only been a few days ago after all! "Why are you so lonely here ?"
"I just wanted some space" that was mostly a lie. He was bored, but Italy just wanted to relax a little bit as well. He knew America was a hard rival. He decided to be direct and ask him something important "Have you already taken Japan on a date ?"
"Of course I have "America answered proudly "the h- I mean I wouldn't have waited so long. Of course, he doesn't know it was a date. Have you taken him tho?"
Italy nodded "I made sure to ask him to go before buying my airplane ticket "
"Seriously ?Dang gotta admit you're smarter than I am " America was drunk enough to admit that.
The Mediterranean smiled proudly "And you just realized it ?" He had an odd amount of confidence. "Does Japan know it was a date ?"
America shook his head "We agreed he shouldn't know about it."
"Yes, I remember. So did you use any excuse for it?Because I sure didn't !" Maybe alcohol could get to him.
"I just said I wanted to see him, but it's honestly a lame excuse " America sighed "We cant let Japan find out why we are here. We have to pretend it was just a trip"
"Si, it could ruin things between the three of us "Italy thought, now sounding a bit more serious "Mind if we call a truce for now?I wanted to ask you something"
"What is it ?" America sounded incredibly formal
"You are having someone else help you, aren't you?" Italy noticed that America wasn't acting like himself "We both know you're not being yourself"
The blonde chuckled "Of course I am getting help "he answered "After all, I'm fucking annoying. Can't keep my goddamn mouth closed, Im basically an overgrown child. I'm nothing more than a joke and everyone probably hates me. England made that pretty clear" he might as well be close to tears
That was quite cruel, at least for Italy it was. Maybe his fratellone had called him a coward, and told him not to be himself, but he hadn't outright said he was annoying.
"America, don't listen to him! " he grabbed America's face with his hands "You're maybe a little too loud, but that's because you're very confident. I doubt Japan finds you annoying in the first place, I mean you have been friends for ages ! Not to mention you're actually pretty handsome, and a goddamned hero who doesn't run away from anything ! Hell, no one wouldn't want to be with you!"
"Wait, you really mean so ?" America's usual happiness and confidence miraculously came back "Thank you, Dude!" Screw that, he wanted to say the word again.
Italy smiled cheerfully "No problem! I was honestly worried tho...I doubted Japan would even notice me when I was next to you"
"Of course he would, dude !"America said loudly "I know I said he would chose me instead, but that was more for me than to you."he admitted
"Huh, what do you mean ?" Italy did remember the words the American had said, but he wondered what he meant with the second part
"Well...dude come on, you're handsome and cute as fuck, in like appearance and personality "America shamelessly admitted "Its not like anyone could resist your goddamn charm.Heck, you had Germany head over heels with you!I doubt Japan would say no if you just asked him directly !"
Italy then straight up hugged America "Grazie America ! I was worried that I was a bit too annoying, everyone's always told me that"He didn't seem to really catch the comment made about Germany
America didn't even know people said that about Italy, but he hugged him back anyways "And you give amazing hugs too!Even Japan likes them, he doesn't allow anyone else to do so "
"Wait...I stopped hugging him because Romano said it would bother him "Italy's eyes went wide "Was it maybe a mistake to ask our fratellones for advice ?"
"It sure as hell sounds like it "America answered "I guess Canada was actually right. Wonder if this bet was a good idea in the first place"
"Romano was angry when he heard about it "Italy admitted "But once he heard I was going against you, he decided to help. Maybe I should have also gone with Big Brother France..."
"Wait, you didn't ask France for advice ?" America asked, shocked "Dude I swore he was helping you, so I didn't ask him."
"I thought he was helping you !" Italy laughed "Guess we both were wrong"
"Should we call this off ?" America asked.
The European shook his head "Its better not to right now, we accepted and we have to deal with it.Let's see who wins, but let's be nicer about it. One of us might end up getting hurt, or worse, Japan could get hurt. "
"Alright. But hey, just know that if Japan chooses to date you, I won't get upset " America spoked sincerely "He deserves someone who will value him like he deserves "
"Thanks, America "Italy said nicely "And I also won't get upset if he chooses you.Japan deserves someone who would risk anything to make sure he's okay."
"Mind if I grab a glass of wine with you?" America asked. He wasn't really into wine, but hey, what else would he toast with ? Plus they were already drinking beer and none of them brought a boot.
Italy asked one of the waitresses for two cups and two specific bottles.
"Let's try these ones. They're sweet, so I guess you'd like them more!" Everyone knew America was more fond of sweetness. Italy carefully served Sangre de Cristo for each of them. "Drink it slowly " he advised.
America surprisingly did so, as he wasn't very sure if he would like the taste. It was still a bit too soar for his taste, but he still drank it. His face made Italy chuckle
"Let's try with a Moscato d'Asti" The Italian poured said wine into both cups "It's even sweeter than the first one. This wine tastes better with something a bit salty "
"Then I know what to order !" America said enthusiastically, and asked for two orders of fries.
"You're getting it pretty fast!" Italy commented "I gotta take you to taste some wines at my home. You'll definitely love it "
"Is that what you did with Japan ?" America asked curiously "Because if you did, he'll go for you in a heartbeat."
"No, I didn't "Italy admitted "I wanted to show you I was brave, and well, Romano suggested to watch a horror movie. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, it was too scary and I'm sure it did the opposite of being brave"
"Aw man, that sucks!" America was being sincere "But hey, at least you now know that next time you should definitely do the wine thing"
"I suppose you're right "Italy smiled.
For the next few minutes, they stayed drinking wine, talking, and eating fries. If anything, it looked more like they were on a date than anything else. After a bit, they both were also drunker than before
"Italyyyy...wanna dance ?" America giggled. He stood up, and was quickly followed by Italy, who turned out actually did want to dance.
"Let's goooo" Italy said. He was still less drunk than America, but not enough to care much about what he was doing.
Of course, the bar decided to play "Dancing Queen".It doesn't matter if a regular bar in Japan wouldn't play it in the first place, this one sure as hell did.
Surprisingly, it was America who was leading them both. One would perhaps consider Italy to be a better dancer, but here was the thing few knew; the blonde actually loved to dance.
Swift and easy moves, surprisingly elegant for the two drunk idiots. The best of ABBA's classic was perfect for them, even tho neither was seventeen in the first place. America carefully helped Italy give a spin, being able to catch him despite right now being so intoxicated.
"Dancing Queen, You are the dancing queen"America giggled.Of course he knew the letter to the song.
"Young and sweet.Only seventeen" and Italy did as well.Being honest, almost everyone knew it by heart.
For everyone else viewing them, they were either a young couple on a date, or just some really close friends. It would be a surprise to know that they were technically rivals trying to date the same country they were currently staying at.
"Digging the dancing queen" America sang
"Digging the dancing queen"Italy repeated.
Once they felt too tired to keep dancing, both of them decided that maybe it was a better idea to go back to the hotels they were staying at, paying before leaving. Of course, due to their states, they decided to walk back together.
"Did you take Japan to dance ?Because I might be in trouble if you did!" Italy was practically carrying America, who was worst at dealing with his state.
"No no, i took him to a museum...a zoo museum!" America laughed, then frowned "But it had parasites.I didn't think the museum would be like that. I just wanted to sound smart." He admitted
"Well, next time, you definitely should go dance with him " Italy suggested. "Looks like it's my hotel!"
"No way, that's my hotel too!" Somehow, both of them had reserved a room in the same place "Which floor is your room in?"
"Uhh...third floor!" America recalled. Good thing he kept the key in his pocket
"No way, I'm in that floor too" Italy was pretty shocked at that "I'm at room 301"
"Dude, I'm at room 302" America wasn't sure how the hell was that even possible.
Being as careful as possible, they both made it to the third floor.
"Byyyeee, Italy ! Good luck with Japan!" America said as he went back to his own room.
"Addio America, good fortuna to you!" Italy said back, getting to his own room.

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