Chapter 21

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"Babe, we gotta get up.It's almost time for the meeting." America yawned as he said those words. Italy was peacefully semi-asleep, cuddling him closely.

"I'm still tired...let's skip the meeting!" He complained and snuggled closer to his boyfriend .They had been out pretty much all night, which made Italy understandably tired. Besides that, he also hated waking up early.

"I wish, but my boss will probably get angry if I skip another one " America didn't want to push Italy away, but he needed to get ready to avoid more issues.

"Bello, but your boss is an idiota!" Italy's words were actually pretty true.

"He is, but poor Tony is in charge and I don't want to cause him any trouble right now" America gently pet Italy's hair "I promise we can come back and cuddle after the meeting is over"

"Alright alright" Italy chuckled and decided it was a good time to get up.His first action was to kiss America, because well, why not ? "Good morning, Cucciolo"

After that, they both went to get ready for the meeting, making sure not to arrive very late.

On the other hand, Germany and Japan had gotten up pretty early. After all, nothing was more unforgivable for them than being late.So naturally, they had been awake around four hours earlier than the other two.

It wasn't something anyone else knew, but Japan did enjoy cuddling with a partner. Of course, he had only done so with Germany. They had no idea that someone, that someone being France, had used that as a proof or their relationship.

"Good morning, Germany" Japan spoke as he got awake.Germany gently kissed his forehead.

"Good morning, Japan" Germany greeted back.

The start of their morning had been rather simple, as expected of them. After all, arriving to the meeting on time was important, and neither of them wanted to be late. Pretty much, they were the first ones to be there, and so there weren't many countries present a few minutes after that.

America and Italy barely arrived on time, but even then, there were very few countries as well.

"Yay, we weren't the last ones to arrive!" Italy cheered.

The room was pretty empty for a world meeting. Only a handful of countries were there, including France, Turkey, Netherlands, China, Greece, Cameroon, Lietchenstein, others that America didn't recognize, and Prussia for some reason.

"That's weird, so many are missing." America pointed out.

"I think you two are the last ones that will arrive, actually" France "Everyone else had an unfortunate incident with Anglaterre's scones"

"They dared to eat such a thing ?" Japan asked. Even if England was his friend, he knew it was a bad idea to eat certain things he

"Poor big bruder will have to stay on the hospital for a while" Lietchenstein sighed "he has red dots all over his body"

"The same happened to my brother and sister" that was Netherlands, serious as always "I doubt they'll ever do something like that again"

"What exactly happened?" Germany wasn't very pleased that the meeting was, in fact, not going to happen. "there's not even a log written about what happened on the last meeting!"

"There was a small friendly bet, that's all you need to know "Prussia was theoretically in charge of that meeting.

"I'm glad to see you lovebirds are together"France said, referring to America and Italy put his hands over their shoulders " Don't listen to your idiotic brothers next time, except maybe Canada"

He didn't want to embarrass Germany and Japan, at least not for now. They would probably die if they knew what happened the day before the meeting.

"Alright France, he was right in the first place I guess" that was America.

"Yes, big brother" and that was Italy.

On France let them go, they went and sat next to Canada, who wasn't getting crushed by Rusia for once. Not that Italy noticed in the first place.

"What was the bet about in the first place ?" Japan asked curiously. Even if he was sitting next to Germany, it would've been nearly impossible to guess they were a couple now. Of course, almost everyone present there knew by now.

"I have no idea, I think I slept through it " Greece was as clueless as the other four countries

"Oh nothing really important, don't worry about it" Turkey had an odd and strong fondness towards Japan, and glared at the rest for them to stay quiet.

"The important thing is that we won!" China hadn't even doubted he would lose in the first place. He also was partially glad that England had gotten everyone sick as he had some grudges towards him, but also happy that he wouldn't have to see America during their family meetings.

"Should we even hold this meeting?There's pretty much no one in here"Prussia asked to his brother, who had been scolding him for the past minutes. There were few representatives of European countries, even less for Asia and Africa, and only Canada and America were there for the American continent.

"OF COURSE WE HAVE TO, IT WOULDN'T BE ACCEPTABLE TO MISS TWO IN A ROW" Germany would probably never leave his brother in charge ever again. "Everyone, take your seats now!"

As he was too stressed and busy to scold anyone that was talking or care about the seating arrangements at that point, America took that chance to speak with Canada. It was a miracle that he noticed his brother in that occasion, more so with his boyfriend next to him.

"Hey Canada, what actually happened?" America asked.

"Huh, who is that ?" Even more weirdly, Italy had noticed Canada's incidents.

"I-I'm Canada, and I don't think it's a good idea to tell you" Canada whispered.Well, he talked normally, as he was Canada after all.

"Aw pleaseeeee brother" America made puppy eyes.

"Aw you're America's fratello?Nice to meet you!" Italy shook his hand. "can you please tell us what happened ?"

Canada was shocked but happy that Italy would do that "Nice to meet you too!"well, they had met before, but he wouldn't expect Italy to remember him in the first place "I will tell you everything once the meeting is over"

It was thankfully a rather brief one, as many of the points couldn't be discussed without a minimum amount of countries. Once the meeting was over, most countries decided to go see their friends or brothers that were having a bad time at the hospital. Of course, France and Prussia went to tease Spain.

Germany and Japan left elsewhere, still puzzled about what kind of bet had taken place when Prussia was left in charge. The place was pretty much empty, seeing not even half of the attendants had been present.

"I'm sorry, Germany "Japan apologized shamefully "If I hadn't been in that state, you would have been able to be present in the meeting and prevent this "

"There's no reason for you to apologize " the blonde assured to his boyfriend "Prussia might have allowed them sooner, but it would have happened wether or not I had been there. Besides...that's how we ended up together in the first place "

Japan smiled and grabbed Germany's hand to hold it. Well, they were in Paris after all, what damage could it make if everyone knew the where together now ?None at all, as everyone who could be upset was currently heavily intoxicated.

And so, in the meeting room, there were only three countries left: America, Italy and Canada.

"So, you're going to tell us what really happened ?" America insisted once more

"I said I would" Canada reminded his brother "England and Romano were arguing on the last meeting. Somehow they found out they were helping their own brother"

"Huh, I wonder how that happened" Italy didn't know he hadn't been texting his brother, and that America had been the one to unknowingly do so.

"There's no way that could've ended well "America knew England and Romano enough to tell that.

"It didn't" Canada sighed "they ended up betting between each other who would Japan chose. It was a bad idea to start with, and Mr.Sweden was the one who came up with what the losers would have to do"

"But Japan chose Germany, wouldn't that mean no one lost?" Italy asked

"Papa France made a side for everyone saying he wouldn't chose any of you. Everyone who was here chose that side, except for Lietchenstein, Greece and me" he was lucky to have been ignored.

"Huh, who were you siding with?" A curios America asked

"You of course!" Canada had been helping his brother after all "Papa France and Prussia didn't notice me.For once, it was good to be ignored. Even after finding out, Papa decided there was no reason to make me eat a scone"

"It was good luck!Eating England's food is the worst thing that can happen!" Italy would usually be exaggerating, but this time it was for real.

"I'm happy you both are together!I wish you the best " Canada said wholeheartedly "But maybe wait a bit to tell that to England and Romano."

"Maybe they'll want to kill us" America joked.

"Oh I wouldn't doubt it "Canada wasn't joking "I'm going to see how England and Cuba are doing, take care !" The blonde then left the place.

"Under no circumstance they need to know what exactly went down on Japan's place" America suggested

"I definitely agree, bello" Italy wanted to live.

There wasn't much to do after that, and since America had promised to cuddle with Italy later, they both returned to their room.

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