Chapter 12

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Since his fratellone was going to the world meeting alone, and seeing that America might be there as well, Italy decided to stay a bit longer. He was mainly around the hotel, as he really didn't want to tempt his luck and flirt with any local signorina.
Perhaps he should have spend that time thinking about how his date had really gone, but instead, he tried to think if there were more ways to follow his fratellone's plan.
While he did that, America was on his way to Japan's house. He was far a better driver than the Mediterranean, and thus he had no problem simply renting a car.
Of course, trying to apply the same principle as Italy, America remembered the word's England had told him (tho perhaps he should have listened to Canada's original advice):
-don't be loud
- Don't be obnoxious
- Don't say dude
- Act like a gentleman
- Be mature, both in the way you dress and act
- Don't talk about childish stuff
- Even if you are the hero, you cant say he was the hero
- Don't be yourself
Welp, he hoped it would work. Breathing, he took some courage and knocked on the door. Japan soon answered.
"Hello, America " he said politely. As America had asked him to accompany him to a museum, he was ready.
Once Japan had a good look of America, he was quite puzzled:
The blonde's hair wasn't showing his usual cowlick, as he had used lots of gel on his hair. Hell, he was using a tuxedo, completed with a tie. Were they going to the museum, or a wedding ? He was far too polite to point it out, but it was still strange.
"Hello, Japan!" He said slightly less enthusiastic and loud as always "Are you ready to go out ?"
Japan nodded, and accompanied the blonde to the car. Thankfully, America drove more according to this liking. Still, he wondered why were they going to a museum.
It's not that Japan didn't like it, he knew America wouldn't.
"Hey America, wouldn't your rather go to the video game convention ?I heard they'll have some Pokémon reveals, and maybe something about the new Spider-Man game " hell, the black haired country himself would rather do that.
...dang. America wanted to.He loved videogames.He loved Pokémon. He loved Spider-Man. However, England had made it clear that it was immature
"No, I'm fine " America answered "They're for children after all"
"Right" it didn't seem like Japan completely believed that.
Of course, America wondered how much of a good idea was it. Wouldn't Japan might know what they were seeing anyways ? It was too late to think about that now.
Thankfully, at least America hadn't gone to the red light district. However, he might have not chosen the best museum possible, at least not for them.
"Here we are, the Meguro Parasitological Museum!" America's face suddenly went pale. Oh god, maybe he should have googled better what a zoological museum meant. He was expecting them to have stuff about animals, not parasites
Still, maybe that would make him look mature AND smart !After all, if he was dumb, he wouldn't appreciate the place properly.
What screamed "smart " more than to pay attention to all the horrible things that could happen to poor innocent animals as a result of a bunch of parasites?
Absolutely nothing! America had to pretend it was all part of the plan, because otherwise he might as well just collapse and curse himself for not being smart enough to make sure what sort of place where they going to visit.
He still made sure to leave a good donation to the place, because hell, he wasn't a jerk. Japan left one a well, but he didn't made any comment. America assumed that was a good thing.
The place was...interesting. By interesting, it basically meant that if anyone could spend more than one minute in it without swearing to never eat again, they were way stronger than America was.
Hell, if anything, he know felt really bad for his whale: there was an entire section about the kind of parasites that could affect sea mammals. He was going to pay his vet even more now, he didn't want anything bad happening to the poor du-fella.
For sure, the worst part had to be the exhibit about human parasites: pretty much it would leave everyone wishing to never touch anything. Hell, America was actually considering if maybe he should move to space now.
If any of them wanted to leave as soon as they walked through the door, it was a mystery. Japan knew it would be rude to complain about the place his friend chose, while America didn't want to seem weak or something like that. Maybe he was also a bit too overdressed for the occasion, but no one asked him that either.
After they finished watching the exhibitions, they decided to leave. It was sad that they couldn't get to visit the gift shop, but hey, it wasn't really necessary !
Japan was quiet, but that wasn't unusual with him. America on the other hand, was way too quiet.
Being too loud now could would be weird, and he didn't want to be annoying. England made it clear that his sole existence was already too annoying, and he didn't want to make it worse by making noise.
Driving through the streets of Japan, you could see lots of karaokes or places to dance. Usually they were fun, but America tried to ignore them
"America-San, do you want to go to there ?" Japan asked politely. Perhaps it could be fun.
America tried to think. Was that a test?Had England told Japan the whole thing, and he had decided to test him to see if the blonde could resist ?Better not risk it.
"No, I don't think there's time for it " that was a lie, but America knew it would be more obvious if he said it didn't interest him.
"Alright, I understand " the other nation answered.
America soon arrived to his friend's place.
"It was interesting going to the museum. Thank you, America. I hope to see you soon" Japan said politely.
"Bye, Japan! I hope to see you soon too!" America still sounded incredibly less enthusiastic than usually.
After driving back to his hotel, he decided to call Canada and England once he got to his room.
"Hey, dud-" America was able to himself and decided not to say anything "The date went very well!I took Japan to a museum!"
"That's a good choice" England remarked "See, not being the usual idiot you are gives good results"
"Brother, do you even like those places ?" Canada asked "And you look very different, what did you do with your hair?"
"I just did what England said" America answered "and I think it worked !You were right, Canada !"
"Of course it would work, it was my idea after all. "England said proudly "I would love to keep chatting, but I'm awfully busy right now. Take care you two " the Brit said before hanging.
"America...are you sure it was a good idea?" Canada asked once England was gone
"Of course it was !Remember, you told me to ask England for help" America was glad that he had listened to his brother
Canada was unsure now if it was a good idea. The whole thing just sounded wrong to him.Still, if his brother was happy, maybe he should be happy too.
"I hope Japan chooses you. Have a nice day, brother ! " he said before hanging.
America decided that he was a little bit tired, so he was going to sleep. Of course, not before buying for all the anti parasite pills that he could find.

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