Chapter 11

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To know some important details about the last world meeting, it's vital to go back a week ago, when America and Italy had gone to their crush's house.
Thankfully, in this flight, neither America or Italy happened to see each other in the airport or on their way to Japan's house. As he had to pretend he was sick, America decided to stay in the hotel for a day, making a video call that make his boss think he was feeling horribly bad. Using the excuse that Japan had a remedy, he was able to get himself excused from the next world meeting. Even better was that he didn't have to explain that either, as his boss feared the other countries would think America was in a weak state.
This was a huge advantage for Italy: since Romano had known of his plans, his fratellone had volunteered to go alone to the meeting. Usually the two attended, but his fratellone had ways of convincing people if he really needed too. He had to pay him back for that of course, but Italy had absolutely no issue with that.
Getting on the car and driving to his crush's place was easy. He had been there hundreds of times before as well, so it was nearly impossible for him to get lost on his way there. He had to drive a bit slower, as the police in Japan's place could be a bit more strict.
As he parked the car to get out, he made a mental note of the things his fratellone had told him:
- don't hug Japan
- Don't flirt with any signorina
- Be more mature
- Don't point out anything cute, even a cat.
Breathing for some courage, he knocked on Japan's door. This time, the Asian country was quick to answer
"Hello, Italy.It's nice to see you " he bowed to greet his friend
"Hi, Japan! I'm happy to see you too!" Italy had to refrain himself from hugging him.
Japan didn't want to sound rude by complaining about the lack of the hug, but it was something that mattered to him. Italy was the only country or person allowed to do that, and if the Asian could be honest, he was rather fond of them.
He decided to just shrug it off "Are you sure you really want to see a horror movie?" Japan had no problem doing anything else that Italy might prefer.
"I'm totally sure ! I heard it was a pretty good movie !" If Italy was honest, he was beyond terrified, but he had to act manlier and more mature. "Let's hop in the car, it'll be a fun night ! " Well, Japan was already nervous by Italy's driving, so he mentally prayed before hopping in.
Perhaps Romano should have discussed that part. Even tho his fratellino drove slower than usual, it was still to fast for Japan's standard. He at least didn't beg to get out of the car tho, but when they got to their destination, suddenly he wanted to go back.
Turns out, the Italian brothers weren't careful enough to see where exactly was the movie theater. By complete and total accident, the tickets Italy bought were for a movie theater located in the Shinjuku Red Light district. Usually those places were the best to look at if you needed mature entertainment, but that wasn't what Italy had in mind.
Was seeing a scary movie good for a date ?Even more so, when the other person shouldn't and couldn't know it was a date, was it still a good idea ? Romano had convinced Italy that it was. While his fratellino preferred other kinds of dates, the older Italian pulled the trick of protecting his date in case it was to scary. His trick was mainly to pretend to watch the movie, but focus on anything else. Thinking his fratellino knew that, he didn't think of saying that to him.
Of course, as they walked to the theater, with Japan really close to Italy as he was aware of the dangerous of that place, lots of women approached the pair. Usually that was expected for Italy, but these were more interested in money than him. Well maybe him too, but that didn't mean he was going to get their particular service free.
Japan was nearly going to swear that Italy was broken or swapped, because he wasn't even looking at them, and much even speaking back. That was weird, usually it was nice to see how confident he was around the other sex. Of course, he had no idea of how much Italy was dying on the inside. He had to think about happy things to try not to say anything.
When they arrived to the movie theater, thankfully they were left alone. It was surprisingly nice, even if it was in a shady place.
"Italy, what movie are we going to see ?" He accidentally forgot to ask that detail.
"Oh, Chakushin ari" Italy wasn't entirely sure of what the title really meant, but it sounded interesting.
"Are you still sure you want to see it ?" Japan wasn't sure if Italy was thinking that very well.
"I'm completely sure !" He was, but wasn't at the same time.
Just like Japan expected, and not how Romano would expect, Italy could barely watch the movie. It took a lot of his will power to remain in the theater, and even more so not to scream or cry. Japan figured that perhaps a hug could help, but Italy took his brother's advice to be brave and be less physical with the Asian nation, so he pretended he didn't want one.
After the movie was over, they had to walk through the district again. Though Japan was not exactly comfortable, he decided not to seek any sense of protection by going to close to Italy. As they walked towards the cat, Japan spotted an animal.
"Oh look Italy, it's a cat!" Japan knew his friend was fond of the cute animals, and so was he.
"Oh yes, it's...nice " he tried his best not to sound too interested. As he was still shocked from the movie, his state was sort of scared.
Gently opening the door for Japan, he waited till he got in and then left to take him home.
"I had a great time with you, Japan !" Italy said cheerfully "I'm gonna head back to the hotel I'm staying at, have a good night!"
He had totally succeeded! Well, at least that's what he thought. After all, he had followed his fratellone's advice. Once he got to the hotel, he gave Romano a call.
"Fratello, I just got back from my date with Japan!Well not that he knew it was a date, but I did everything you said !" He said proudly
"That's wonderful fratellino!" Romano answered "You'll see how we you will beat the burger eating bastard! And by the way, is he there ?"
"I don't know fratellone, why do you ask ?" That was weird, Italy didn't know what to think of his fratellone's brother.
"Boss told me that America wasn't going to the meeting I'll be attending this week. I don't know the reason, but maybe he's also in Japan." Romano hopes that wasn't the case.
"I haven't seen him at all, but let's hope he isn't " Italy could just pray that that was the case.

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