Chapter 7

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Once they had finished dinner, Romano dragged Italy to figure what his little brother should do to beat America.

It was surprising how fast Romano had dropped his objection about the way his little brother had handled things, but spite was his main motivation here. Hell would freeze before he let America defeat them in a romantic matter.

"So let's see...We know Japan and America have known each other for longer than you and Japan have, right ?"Romano had met Japan a little later than his younger brother had, so he wanted to get all the details correctly.

"Si" Veneciano nodded.

"Damn it, the bastard has a slight advantage already  "Romano complained "Usually, whoever the person met first  has more chances of getting picked due to the stupid nostalgia thing !"

Veneziano sighed "I know fratellone, I know " they also seemed to get along pretty well, or else Japan would try not to interact with him.

"In that case, maybe you can try a different approach" Romano usually would not give a suggestion like that, but the scenario in this case was different, starting with the fact that his brother was going for a man "Don't be yourself!" 

"What, how am I supposed to do that ?!" Veneziano pouted 

"For starters, be less of a coward !" Romano wasn't one who should be accusing anything of being one "And also don't flirt with any signorina, starting today!" That was basically something he couldn't do either.

"FRATELLO, I CANT DO THAT, YOU CANT DO THAT EITHER ! " sometimes it wasn't even his fault, he could charm women just by existing  "Plus it would be mean not to let a signorina know how pretty she is !"

"Well, if you want Japan to know you like him, you gotta stop it!"Romano said firmly, although he did feel bad for his little brother "And maybe don't  be so childish! I doubt Japan wants a boy, he would rather have a man !"

"Alright, I'll be a man!" Veneciano said determined. He wasn't very sure of what that meant, but he would try.
"And this might be even harder, but don't even think of hugging Japan ! " Romano declared "He isn't particularly fond of physical contact, even I know that !"

"But I was his first hug!" Veneciano had to admit that the statement itself was quite sad "How am I gonna greet him ?"

"I have no idea, but you will be able to come up with something! " he wasn't sure of that, he just didn't want to think about it "I almost forgot: don't go point out when something it's cute, even if it's a cat "

Well, that was less hurtful than the no flirting with women part, but just nearly as hard "But all cats are cute !"

"BUT DONT POINT IT OUT !" Romano yelled again "Since we have that settled down, the next step is simple: call Japan and ask him to go out with you !But don't tell him directly that it's a date, he might not feel comfortable"

"Alright fratello!Im gonna buy the tickets and then call him !" Veneziano answered cheerfully

"CALL HIM FIRST, THE AMERICAN BASTARD MIGHT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT !" It was a good thing that the neighbors knew Romano was the kind to yell a lot

"Alright alright, I'll call him !" Veneziano was on the verge of tears, but refrained as he wanted to show himself he could be brave.

After all, he had to win!

America Vs Italy: Japan's heart will be mine ! Where stories live. Discover now