Chapter 20

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England was overjoyed when Prussia called him and asked him to bake an exorbitant amount of scones for the next day. That could only mean one thing: the bet had been won, and England was sure the winner was anyone who had sided with him. Romano, on the other hand, was sure of the opposite: no one could beat his fratello after all, much less the burger eating bastard. He happily prepared to go to Paris, even though he wasn't going to assist the conference in the first place.

Every country received the text France had written, though only the ones who had put their names on the bet. That mean Germany, Italy, Japan, America hadn't, and neither had Greece, who has slept through the whole deal. Even Canada was going, as for once he hadn't been ignored.Liechtenstein was only going as her big brother was going too, and that was pretty much it.

Maybe it would have been a good idea for some to ask themselves if it had really been wise to enter a bet with so many little terms into it. They had no established time after all: what if they had had to wait until a time where they were too weak to even attend the conference ?It would've surely been a bad idea, had their bosses also not allow them to go, it wouldn't have been totally bad: after all, everyone knew eating the scones England liked to cook was a bad idea.

Of course, no one suspected what had been the real result. As it happened, the countries had chosen after being sure their side would win. Doesn't everyone do that ?Probably, but it's a bad idea. Only one of the three sides was right, which would be a shock to anyone so centered in their being the right one.

Though some countries would complain about having to go to Paris one day earlier, no one dared to back out. Doing so would make the other countries consider one a coward. So all of them where present.

"I have to admit, this finished quicker than I expected" England said. Hell, it could've been centuries for all he knew.

"Of course it was, my fratellino knows how to make anyone fall for him!And he had my help, bastard" Romano declared.He was pissed as in theory he was free from that meeting, but happy as he had won.

"Oh, don't be so sure of yourselves you two" France commented "What makes you two think your brothers won?"

"Coño Francia! There's no way America managed to beat the cute Italy!" Spain was one of the first ones to protest.

"Come on Spain, calm down a bit.There's no need for such rude language" France scolded him "How are you so sure Italy won ?"

"See, that most mean America won!" Denmark spoke in favor of the younger country "As expected of him of course !"

"Nah, he didn't win either. The awesome me can testify for that !" Prussia couldn't spend more than a day without using said word.

"So who won ?" An irritated Hungary wondered why hadn't she brought her pan.

"Anyone who didn't side with the two morons of England and Romano, of course " France said proudly. "The rest of you will have to eat Anglaterre's scones !"

Chaos erupted after that sentence.

"How the hell did Italy managed to screw up?"

"It shouldn't be possible for America too lose !"

After all, trying to eat anything cooked by the Brit was early a death sentence.

"Wait a moment, we have no proof of what they are saying !"Monaco protested. Of course, an expert at betting wouldn't go down so fast.

"I agree!Unless you show us a proof that your side won, the bet is still going on!And Prussia's word alone isn't enough "Macau joined the European country.

"I have to agree with them unfortunately "China sulked "Is there any more evidence?"

"Verdamit, the awesome me didn't think of that "Prussia cursed. "But I know who Japan was with in the first place, and he wasn't Italy or America at all!"

"If there's no picture or something like that, you can't make us eat that poison !"

"Well luckily, big brother thought of that "France said "I thought it would make a great blackmail for April's fool, but it's also a nice proof of our victory. Regarde!"

Well, France had somehow managed to take a picture of both countries peacefully sleeping together. Japan was cuddling against Germany's chest, and they were both totally unaware that someone had taken that picture. Even worse: after the incident with Prussia they had requested a new room with better locks, yet France had still been able to take that picture.

"Wait...but Germany wasn't actually on the bet, does it still count?"Finland inquired.

"Well, sadly yes "Monaco sighed "There were three sides: the ones who sided with Italy, the ones who sided with America, and the ones who said Japan wouldn't end with either. As the third person could mean anyone besides them or just none of them, it's valid."

"...Bloody frog and that stupid America "England cursed out loud

"What's the matter, Anglaterre ?"France smiles smuggledly "I thought you said your cooking isn't that bad "

"It's not !But I was sure that I'd won, that I decided to make these things as badly as possible !"

"BRUTTO FIGLIO DI PUTTANA BASTARDO, YOU WANNA KILL US OR WHAT!" Romano, as expected, was cursing. This time it was more than justified.

"That's not humanly possible and you know it, you can't cook bad on purpose, unless you put poison on those scones"

"England...Let me and Romania see them " Norway asked. There were worse ways im which he could have made the food uneatable.

"Alright, but I assure you, it's not poisoned" the Brit complained.

Of course, besides being burned, they had something else. As soon as the Norway laid their eyes on them, it was clear.

"There's no way you could have cooked them so soon...God save us all" even his face showed a worried expression.

"Don't let any human eat them, this will for sure kill anyone who's not a representation "Romania warned. England had used some kind of magic, but it didn't go well. "There is also no guarantee that it won't harm us."

"Ou Lala...Anglaterre really outdid himself.Sorry, mes cherries,but the rules are clear "France said calmly.

Seeing how ugly and dangerous the food looked, several of the countries started to curse and even pray. Most of them blamed either America or Italy for their unfortunate fate.

"¡Pero tenía que ser el Tano traga leche
alemana vencid! Tenía que hace una cosa,SÓLO UNA COSA ¿Y no escapaz de hacerlo? ¿Tanto le cuesta dejar de romper las pelotas y hacer algo bien en su vida? La re puta madre, le voy a romper la geta a ese gil. Si así lava el piso no quiero ni imaginarme como te lavas el orto... Andate a la recalcada concha de la lora.Este pendejo del orto que no sabe hacer carajo, la reputisima madre que me pario, me tuve que haber quedado en el lado Del boludo de Francia¡Maldito asesino serial de ravioles! Balbuceador de mierda hasta mi cahiche toy se comunica mejor, hijo de mil vagones de vergas zifiliticas y gran hijo de una constelación de putas! Me tiene las pelotas por el suelo, cara de ardilla sobredesarollada. Ojala tenga que comer pasta enlatada hecha por inglaterra toda tu vida, mal cojido de mierda, por que yo me tengo que aguantar el veneno del pirata !"

"Me lleva la verga con el cabrón del gringo es.Es un hijo de la chingada, sirves para pura madre, ¿lo de chiquito o es defecto de fabrica? Vale pura verga el pinche gringo ese! Ahh pero don pendejo quería apostar "


"Voy a reventar al conchetumare del gringo webón."

"Puto gringo, serás chorro !"


"Esti de tabarnak de caliss du criss de saint siboire de bout de viarge de trou'd'cul d'enfant de chienne"

"Vá tomar no culo, Italia!"
"Địt mẹ mày!"

"mos-sseuge mandeulda!"

"¡Vale picha el hijueputa gringo malparido !"

"Piste kang Yawa ka na karasa nim pagrubaon nga Yaik ka nga Piskat ka nga Demonyo!!! Kaupay nim pagbanyakun nga ka kay ano ka aada nga Puta ka!!!"

"sale weon, siempre hací la mismas cagas,que se ande a la cresta"

Many more could also be heard, as well as China and Spain scolding their kids and siblings. Prussia tried to grab everyone's attention again.

"You still have to eat the scones!Save the cursing for after you get them!" He yelled

"It's a shame Greece isn't on this, I would've loved to see his face" Turkey lamented himself.

"B-but we have a world meeting tomorrow, we need to attend it !" South Korea tried to protest.

"We will solve it!" China promised

"I can't leave my sister alone" Switzerland complained "Even if it's a free meal, this thing is far too dangerous"

"That's still no excuse, and besides, the bet's conditions were clear. Free food is free food"Netherlands reminded the smaller country. He wasn't going to eat that anyways.

"Alright.I'll try England's scones first, da" Russia said. No one dared to challenge him "After all, America's heart is still broken.

France chuckled. Oh it might have been, but he knew it had already healed. He also didn't want the other countries to be angrier at Italy and America, who never asked them to get involved with the bet in the first place.They could have just minded their own business.

As soon as Russia took a bite, he went pretty pale. He felt like if all his body was itching. He sat back down on his seat, and looked like he had lost his conscience.

"B-big brother ?" A worried Belarus cried.

"Little brother!" That was Ukraine of course.

It had even been bad for Russia, the same country that could bear an entire tank for himself and eat an explosive without being harmed.

"Well, I should have written my will"

"At leats it's still free..."
"I'm gonna kill the potato bastard"

"It was nice living."

Many other countries either cried or prayed, and curse some more.

"Be fair, let's all eat this on the count of three "Hungary suggested and grabbed her scone.

Prussia and France cheerfully passed the scones around to everyone, many shooting them glances. Once they were done, they sat back down.

"O-one..." Hungary said as her hand shakes

"D-u" that was Lithuania

And before anyone said three, every single country who hadn't chosen not to support the two idiots was eating the scone. None of them, even England, was able to finish it.

Shocking, literally crying, shaking or ending in the floor as if they were convulsing.That's how most, if not all of them, ended.

The countries that had sided with the third option were all looking horrified at the scene. France dialed an ambulance, while China made sure no one was actually dead. Prussia, Cameroon, Turkey, Netherlands, and anyone else who had remained on that side, picked them to make sure they at least didn't die on the floor.

Once they were taken to the hospital, the other countries either laughed or thanked their intuition.
"It was obvious that Amerique and Italie were going to win Japan's love with those techniques "France mentioned.

"I agree !Japan probably had a bad time thanks to them "China was right about it.

"Thank god Mein little bruder was enough of a man to win his heart " Prussia said proudly.

After making sure to throw away any remains of the scones, all the countries that had stayed packed and left to their hotels. They still had a conference the next day. It was a good thing that they didn't notice there was a leftover scone.

"I never thought I'd be thankful for not being noticed..."Canada sighed. Cuba hadn't told on him either, as a sorry for the last time he beat him after confusing him with America.

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