Chapter 16

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Well, now that it was made known why Prussia decided to back up someone else instead of Italy or America, it might also be nice to add how did England and Romano found out they were helping their respective siblings. After all, the two ended up causing around 170 countries to be up to their bet, with only a handful deciding to stay entirely out of it.
Romano had to attend the meeting without his fratellino, something that secretly upset him.He had left a day earlier, and was glad to receive his brother's update.

England, being as puntual as always, had chosen to show to stay a day before as well. He had been in the call with America and Canada earlier. He wouldn't admit that he felt slightly proud for the blonde, but he in fact was.

Neither knew who was helping the country who was going against their smaller brothers. Of course, they would suspect each other, but until then, they would rather not cause any suspicion.

Being bored at the hotel, both of them decided to go explore. The pool area was quite fancy, so both of them ended up there.Romano, as anyone would expect, was respectfully flirting with any woman who would pass near him.

"Ciao, bella signorina !" Could be heard occasionally. Tho Romano has a reputation for not being exactly friendly, that only applied to male humans and countries. He was always nice to women, both human and countries. It also left him on a nicer humor, and wasn't as rude around them.

So when he saw England, he decided to simply say hi to him. After all, he might as well show he wasn't just being nice o the ladies because they were ladies (which in part, or maybe totally, he was )

"Ciao, England !" Romano said. His voice wasn't as cheerful as his fratellino's, but it was still a nice tone

"Oh hello, Romano" England said politely. He was puzzled as to why he was being courteous in the first place, but noticed there were several women in there. That explained everything.

It wasn't that they hated each other, both they could both have a hard time simply speaking to others. England wouldn't admit to anyone how alone he felt at tomes, and neither would Romano. That made it difficult for both to hold a conversation.

" was your trip for you and your brother ?"England couldn't think of what else to ask about. He hadn't seen Veneziano flirting with anyone yet, and he was hoping that he would come to the world meeting, as it would make things for America easier.

"Oh, my fratellino...He isn't going to the meeting." Romano answered.He knew America was in Japan, but didn't know if England was helping him. He didn't want to let him know, just in case "I'm not sure why, but he asked me to attend alone and I agreed."

"That's weird "England commented. Italy might not be keen of the meetings, but he made sure to attend.

"Seems like America isn't coming either, or that's what my boss said " Romano added, trying not to sound so obvious.
"Yes, I was informed as well"England knew the real reason, and hoped that it wasn't the same Italy had "Maybe the meeting will be more quiet without him."

Romano simply nodded, not thinking much of what to say.

"Mind if I sit ?" The Italian asked.

England nodded, and the other sat down.

They didn't really talk much, as it merely consisted of Romano speaking with any woman who would pass, then accompanied by their giggles.

At some point, both of them put their phones together. It was just a coincidence that shouldn't have moved beyond that, but both of them accidentally took the other's phone. It was a misunderstanding that could simply be forgotten the next day, hadn't it been because two drunk idiots who were in another country had started to text their older brothers, or at least thought so.

Thankfully, Romano and England weren't staying near each other, or else that could've have resulted in them yelling at each other at an unholy hour. It was simple to show what the texts had, and in the case of Romano, it was America who thought he was texting England.
-brooooor, i fwent to agrb soem beer at the bar

-mxy head huuuurts and everything is spinning

-yooooo, xwanna help me out ?i feel itajly is so gonna wsin

Huh, so the bastard burger was finally admitting defeat ?That was a good sign.

-you knorw whjat, i'm ahte hearo !
-and you rhelped me swo muuuuch

Oh, so England was helping America. The two idiots were gonna lose, and he was dang sure of it. Of course, Romano went to sleep before receiving two other texts:

-but you were mmean to m!peaologize
-uyou knowitaly ils short owf cute...
England, the one who used to be great, was getting texts from the younger Italian brother.

-fratello, i went out for a drink!
-talked a bit with America, I think his date went well ;-;

England grinned.America had his advice after all, there was no way he would lose.Hell, might as well just declare that he was dating Japan.

-turns out england's been khelping aamerica, but i'sm suure wfe might still have a shto !

-fratellooo, we nare jgnnoa win

England chuckled.There was no damned way those two were going to beat him and America, so he calmly went to sleep, and missed the other text:

-qi had a ffun time danrcing with america! myabe di' deat him too

As the phones had died off during night, they were unable to see what else the other had gotten. Before going to the meeting, each of them chose to give back the phone to its owner. It was lucky that they didn't see each other in the hallway, but as the story had stated, they did see each other once they arrived to the world meeting.

"Hey, England !I took your phone last night by mistake " Romano said as he walked to hand it back to the blonde"So, you're helping America, eh?"

"Thank you, Romano.Here is yours "England chuckled as he handed back the other one "Yes, and I saw you're helping your brother"

"Of course I am, but my fratellino would still be able to beat America even without my help" Romano stated proudly
England laughed"Not when I'm helping America "

"The poor bastard burger is doomed anyways, can't imagine if he's listening to you " Romano replied.
"You stupid macaroni brothers will probably surrender sooner or later "
And thus, they began to fight with each other. At that moment, Prussia walked into the meeting, while everyone else stared at the two...

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