Chapter 9

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Japan was wondering if it was normal to receive calls from two of his friends asking him to go out with them minutes between each other. Both Italy and America didn't exactly sound like themselves either: Italy had told him if they could go to a haunted tunnel , while America asked to go to a museum. Considering the first wasn't exactly brave enough to voluntarily do that and the second would never particularly enjoy something like that, he couldn't prevent himself from thinking that something weird was happening.

"Maybe they just want to try something new ?" He thought out loud. That was always a good thing to do.After all, breaking away from routine wasn't a bad thing. Plus, Japan enjoyed their company.

Italy's calm but joyful nature was easy to get along with.He couldn't be bored whenever they were together, and the European's natural charm with women could be entertaining to watch. Not to mention, he enjoyed the fine arts as well. It made him feel younger, and besides, he was the only one allowed to hug Japan.

America, while not even remotely as calm, had a different sort of charm: his chaotic energy was perfect for getting out of the routine. He also happened to enjoy heroes and video-games as much as Japan did, which was perfect as he liked to talk about things that others would find childish.

Would it be a good idea to ask them both if they were okay?Or if he wanted to hang out with both at the same time ? Japan thought that maybe they could get along, but it would be rude to make them reunite without their consent when they had asked him to go with them alone.

In any case, he was happy that he was getting to see them once again

America Vs Italy: Japan's heart will be mine ! Where stories live. Discover now