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Chapter One, The Beginning

Lily Evans.

She was the normal Gryffindor girl. Smart, good in classes, and very beautiful. She had her four favorite friends, of course. 

Severus, no longer her friend after he made friends with people who played with Dark Magic. Not to mention Severus was influenced badly by his new friends and treated Lily disrespectfully when they were around her.

Lily stayed with James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter. The five of them. She knew Remus was a werewolf and their transformations every month, but she told no one. The four of them treated her the right way and as their best friend or an addition to the four.

They were living their best life, although Lily knew about James fancying her. She didn't mind it, he stayed the immature, Quidditch-obsessed boy he was. 

It was the beginning of the seventh year. Lily and James barely talked to each other, James being too shy after he realized he liked her and Lily, just not seeing the need to talk to him.

Late one day, Lily was walking the halls alone as everyone was in the Great Hall for dinner. Quidditch trials were on that day, so there was a buzz of chatter around the school for it. Holding her books to her chest, she walked in the Great Hall, late to dinner.

She found the completely full Gryffindor table and her best friends sitting with their food. Lily noticed Sirius and Remus, and she casually shoved their shoulders, causing them to move away and give her space. Lily sat in between them, Sirius giving her a 'what the hell' type of look.

"What, there wasn't any space for me!" Lily explained to both of them.

"You know," said Sirius. "There's a lot more space between James and me, by the way." Sirius winked.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Shut it, will you? I don't really fancy him."

Sirius smirked. "You don't really fancy him?"

"To be honest, Sirius, not really, just barely. Otherwise, he's the same arrogant boy I've known for seven years," Lily shrugged. 

Sirius looked over to James. "He's matured, you know. If you haven't noticed, he's stopped hexing people for fun now. If you just let him, he'd treat you like his world."

Lily's stomach churned a bit, but she ignored this. She grabbed a handful of fries from one of the platters and threw it onto Remus's half-empty plate. "You don't mind, Moony? I don't have a plate."

"N-No?" Remus was confused a bit, but it was Lily. He was a bit used to it.

"Thanks." Lily munched on the fries normally, taking a few glances at Slytherin table. She saw Severus, looking more idiotic than usual. He was pouting like always, surrounded by his goons. Lily rolled her eyes.

She looked away from Severus and took a quick glance at James. He was laughing, teasing a few first years who were on the opposite side of him. He kept messing up his hair as usual. Lily felt like smiling, but she hid it and took some more fries.

After finishing, she stood from the table. "I'll meet you guys in the common room."

Only some people were walking back to their common rooms. Lily was the type to come to dinner late but leave early. She stood from her seat, grabbing her books. 

"You don't want to stay a little much, Lils?" asked Sirius, filling in her space and gesturing his opposite side which was next to James. He was still playing around with the first years, making them laugh hysterically.

Lily rolled her eyes with a small smile. "No. I'm good, I said I'll see you in the common room." She turned around, walking out of the Great Hall.

On her way out, she was stopped by Severus and his fools. 

"Doing well, aren't you, Evans?" teased one of them.

Lily shrugged. "Better than usual. May I walk now?" Lily tried to walk forward but still blocked by Severus's friend. "Why can't I walk?"

"We heard you had some sort of grudge with our Severus over here," another guy said, warningly.

"So what?" Lily tried to walk again but was continued to be blocked. "Don't make me shove you guys. I don't mind doing that."

"We'll shove you back," the smallest of their group threatened. Lily laughed, causing him to get angrier. "Apologize to Severus, and to us for fooling us around."

Lily scoffed, crossing her arms and looking at all of them with such hatred, it looked scary. "See here, the thing is that I'm not the fool, it's you. How thick are you, fiddling around with Dark Magic in the castle. One of the professors will catch you for sure, you know."

Severus stepped in front of all of them. "Why would you care, Mudblood?" Severus shot at her angrily. This sunk in very fast. Lily was immediately upset. Using such a word? She stared at him, looking into his eyes. He was faking the anger, she could tell. His eyes were full of remorse.

Lily hid the pain she felt inside. She hid that pain with anger, going after Snape. "Say that again."

Severus's friends backed away. Snape's eyes were worried now. 

"Say it again," she demanded.

"Lily, I swear I didn't—"

"Didn't mean it?" She crossed her arms again. "I don't think you should have any of your idiots approach me, Snivelly, and don't talk to me anymore."

Lily forcefully shoved all of them away, including Snape, causing him to lose his balance a bit. A small flow of tears began to fill her eyes. She speed-walked to the common room as quickly as she could, making sure no one could see her like this. 

Wiping her eyes, she gave the Fat Lady the password, the portrait opened and Lily rushed inside. Inside, the Gryffindor Common Room still empty, she face-flopped into the couch letting some of the tears fall out.

Or she thought the common room was empty.

"Evans?" a familiar voice wondered.


welcome to my first Jily story!
this is the first chapter, so thanx for reading :D
this chapter (including this author's note) is 1,033 words
have a great day 

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