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Chapter Eight: The Marauders and The Slytherin

It was breakfast that Wednesday morning, Lily sitting by James's side, Peter on her other side with Sirius and Remus in front of them. Lily, as always, had entered the Great Hall first but was joined by the rest of them a few minutes later. Same as yesterday, she had a piece of toast for breakfast.

"Hey Evans," James tapped her on the shoulder as Sirius was telling one of his stupid stories.

"What?" responded Lily with a slight attitude, holding her toast and some of it in her mouth still.

"Are you into hexes?" he asked with a smirk.

"To who?"

"Snivy, of course."

Lily gave herself a bit of time to chew, then spoke again. "I thought you stopped doing those things, James! We only need to if it's necessary."

"Oh, um right. Sorry, old habits." James scratched the back of his head.

"And you're Head Boy, that says a lot." she added, biting another piece of toast. "You're supposed to be an example."

"Lily, don't guilt trip me like that, I'm being nice to you!" James whined, puffing his lower lip out and crossing his arms. Lily's stomach did a small flip.

"Okay, but I'm telling the truth. If you'd like to keep that 'Head Boy' badge, you should stick to the 'no hexing' thing. I like it," she admitted randomly.

There was a slight pause when James's eyes widened for a small moment. But he shook his head at her.

"You like the fact that I'm being responsible, or you like me? Honestly, Lily, I have no problem with the both of them," James winked with a smile.

Lily furrowed her eyebrows. "You'll never know," she said, teasing him.

Turning back to the table, Sirius, Remus, and Peter were staring at both of them wonderously. Sirius, with crossed arms, Remus, trying to make a bit more distance between him and Sirius, and Peter just giving them an odd look.

"What, did I do something?" asked James immediately.

"Peter just asked you if you were ready to go now?" said Remus tiredly.

James shrugged. "Yeah, sure. Lily?"

He looked at her, Lily shrugging. "I'm ready."

All of them stood up now as Lily grabbed her books. James waited for her while she was getting prepared, and without warning, Lily took his arm.

"Wow, so more surprises now?" James teased.

Lily shrugged. "If that's what makes you happy." And they walked ahead, forgetting to wait for the rest of them.


"Wow," said Sirius, crossing his arms. "They forgot us. Do you think our plan from yesterday worked? You were there, Moony, did it work?"

Remus stuttered. "Y, Yeah, actually, I, I don't know, I went back early. I, It's almost full moon," he told them shyly.

"Oh, I get it." said Sirius simply. "It's fine, but from what I can tell, it worked. Our plan worked. Isn't that great? They're forgetting about us now!" he said sarcastically.

"Sirius, relax! They haven't forgotten us, they're just...blinded by love. You've been blinded by love by a girl before, right?" 

Sirius shook her head. "Not girls, mate." He noticed Remus give a shudder, his eyes looking more full of energy and him looking less lazy.  "You okay, Moony?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." he said. "F, Full moon. Coming."

Sirius patted him on the back. "It'll be fine, all your friends will be there. Except Lily, of course. James'll have to be away, he'd be so sad." he mocked.

Remus tensed up again.

He was in the back of James and Lily who were laughing, probably at one of James's stupid jokes or something. Looking behind the rest of them, Snivellus and his greasy-nosed group was behind them.

Sirius discarded this until he was given a tap on the shoulder. He turned around, seeing Snivellus's greasy face.

"What?" he said rudely.

"Are they..." Snivellus pointed to James and Lily, who were smiling. "Together?"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Of course, what does it look like?" he lied. It was a good lie, that way, Snivy would still be jealous. "Ever since the day you called her a Mudblood. James was there for her, you know. He gave her his sweater and shot his shot. The end, you don't really have a chance with her anymore. Not like you did anyways."

Snivellus's black eyes filled with sadness and his mouth was slightly open of shock. "You're joking, right?"

All of them shook their heads.

Snivellus stepped back to his group, and once he was out of earshot, Sirius began to cackle. "His face looked ten times uglier than it started with, that was hilarious!" 

Peter gave a few chuckles, Remus still tense. 

"That was a good lie. Was it even a lie? They could be together without telling us, you know. Or James needs a little push to ask her out again."

"He's done that any times before, Padfoot. Don't you think he would've given up after she's said 'no' a lot?" said Remus.

"Yeah, that's why he might need a little push again, of course. Lily likes him, right?" Sirius tried to think positively.

"It looks like it," Remus muttered.

"See? Positive. So Snivy-Grease-Head is still upset, and our best friends are together! You know how happy James would be? Really, really happy!"

"Pads, I think you're more excited for their future relationship than they are," admitted Peter.

"HAH, NOTICE HOW YOU SAID 'FUTURE RELATIONSHIP'!" Sirius said enthusiastically, making Peter slap a hand to his forehead.


thanks for reading!
sirius do b excited doe
this chapter (including authors note) is 937 words

~the sweater

the sweater ~~ jilyWhere stories live. Discover now