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Chapter Fifteen: Going Back To Classes

Lily's sleep was peaceful, nothing interrupted it. She didn't seem to move as much as she usually did while sleeping.

The sun had begun to rise, and its early rays shun through the windows of the Hospital Wing. The only sound in the room was their breathing. 

For now.

The loud, growing sound of heels began to click and echo through the halls, waking Lily. She squinted her eyes open and focused on the clicking sound. It grew louder and louder every second.

She sat up, grabbing James's arm and shaking it so his hand would smack himself in the face. 

"James, James!" she whispered loudly.

He groaned tiredly, still asleep.

Lily looked from the door and back to the sleeping James. "James Fleamont Potter, get your lazy arse up before I make you," Lily whispered in his ear.

His eyes opened. "What?"

"Do you not hear that? Madam Pomfrey is coming!"

"Well damn, Lily! Just get under the blanket!" James furrowed his eyebrows, pulling up the blanket so she could hide.

"I will murder you," she muttered, hiding her head under the blanket and turning to the opposite side of him.

"I heard that." James pretended to be asleep, still with his stupid glasses on. Lily crossed her arms and closed her eyes, trying not to move.

The clacking got louder until Lily was completely sure Madam Pomfrey was in the room. 

"James Potter?" her stern voice asked.

"Yeah?" he responded with a slight edge.

"You're clear to go today, just be careful with that gash. Don't take out the bandage and come back after classes to get it replaced," she told him.

Lily relaxed her tense muscles, relieved he was able to go to classes today. James lightly nudged her back with his elbow. In return, Lily elbowed him back. The sound that escaped his mouth made Lily have to cover her mouth before she could laugh.

"What was that?" asked Madam Pomfrey.

"Nothing, nothing. Just excited for classes," he lied. Lily stopped herself from laughing.

"Mmhmm. Get ready then, your breakfast starts in half an hour." Lily heard Madam Pomfrey's heels clicking again, the sound getting quieter.

Once it was completely quiet, Lily flipped the blanket off her head. "I hate you so much."

James groaned. "You elbowed me!"

"You screamed like a little girl, c'mon. That was funny." Lily started laughing now.

James looked at her, slightly annoyed but also holding back a smile. "That's not funny," he said, adjusting his glasses and messing up his hair.

"'Just excited for classes'? Oh really?" 

"You try making an excuse when you're elbowed and 'screams like a little girl'!" he complained. 

Lily rolled her eyes. "I bet I'd make a better excuse than you!"

"Oh really?" James raised an eyebrow at her.

"Obviously — JAMES POTTER!" James had elbowed her harshly. Her reaction caused his face to worry. "You did not just —."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Lily raised her fist at him. "Lily, I swear —!"

"Oi, you two, shut your arseholes. I'm trying to sleep, I'm not going to school like you are," whispered Sirius from across the room, then falling back onto his bed.

"He was talking to you, James. 'Shut your arsehole'," she mocked Sirius.

"Yeah, sorry Sirius, I'll do that after screaming like a little girl." James mocked both of them. Sirius groaned tiredly, shoving his face into the pillow and forcing the pillow to cover his ears.

"You need to get ready if you actually want to go to classes. But, elbow me again, and I'll give you a reason not to," Lily whispered harshly.

"Well if you did, you'd spend another night here worrying about me. But okay, then."

Lily rolled her eyes as she stood up. Her hair as messy and all over the place, but she combed it down with her fingers. 

"I'm going back to the dormitories, I still have a lot of things to do," she told James. He nodded.

"I'll meet you at breakfast, then?" he asked hesitantly.

"Who said I was spending the whole day with you? I have other friends too, Marlene, Dorcas, Severus." 

James's eyes widened.

"I could forgive him, you know." Lily joked, slightly feeling bad to see James smile awkwardly, but hurting him. "But I'm not going to do that. I'm sticking with you, just in case you scream like a little girl again! Isn't that exciting?"

"I do not sound like a little girl!" he encouraged. "Lily, I swear!"

Lily laughed again before heading out of the Hospital Wing and walking down to the Gryffindor Common Room. After getting through the portrait hole, she climbed the stairs up to the Girls' Dormitory. Lily got herself ready, fixing her hair and doing her morning routine. 

She headed down to breakfast right after, holding her books to her chest and going down to the Great Hall.

Lily walked inside to meet James as he was already sitting there with a slice of bacon and a new bandage on his face. He didn't seem to notice her walk in, so she walked in casually to the Gryffindor table where he sat and aggressively shook his shoulders.

Once again, she screamed like a little girl.

"Oh my god, Lily!" he rolled his eyes.

Lily sat next to him and set her books to the side. She looked around the Gryffindor table. "Are none of them out yet?"

James shook his head. "Peter broke his arm, Sirius made a stupid excuse to stay there, like 'I need to watch over my best friend'," he mocked. "Remus, well, you know."

Lily's eyes widened. "Which best friend, you?"

"No, I think he was talking about Moony. Peter doesn't need watching, it's only his arm," said James.

"Do you know what that could mean?" asked Lily. She had a thought that Sirius...could possibly like Remus? Or maybe they just grew closer since she's been hanging out with James after all this time. Or maybe?

James shrugged. "No, what does it mean?"

"Did Sirius tell you...about..."

"About...?" He furrowed his eyebrows at her. He didn't seem to get the hint.

Lily smacked her hand to her forehead. "You're so stupid."

"Thanks, Lily. I definitely didn't know that after you've been telling me continuously for the past seven years. But sure, I know now." said James. He continued to eat his bacon.


James is a little girl
this chapter (including author's note) is 1,085 words

thanks for reading!!

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