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(mini-chapter, surprise!)

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Their Annoying Friends

Both James and Lily were bored one afternoon, sitting in the common room and not really doing anything. Lily was rereading her History of Magic book and James rested his arm around her.

Sirius was on the other couch doing completely nothing. Staring at the ceiling, looking at the fire, just relaxing and doing nothing. Surprisingly he was quiet for once.

"I'm bored," said James. "Why do you always reread instead of using flashcards?"

"You think I'd waste good time writing on flashcards when I can remember the main and small points with rereading?" said Lily, only focused on the book.

"Maybe not." said James. "Pads, are you okay?"

Sirius snapped back into reality. "Yep," he continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Where's Moony?" he asked.

"He got annoyed of me and went to the library," he said flatly, barely paying attention. "I'm not allowed in there."

"Why not?" asked Lily. Knowing Sirius, this wasn't very surprising.

"Because I was 'too loud'." Lily was surprised it wasn't for a worse reason.

"Well, I hate the library, too, so you're not the only one," said James, earning him a confused look from Lily. He shrugged.

"Move over, I'm gonna lie down," said Lily. James moved away from her, giving her space so she was able to rest her head on his lap. James moved her hair away from her face with his finger and starting to play with it. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Do you mind...?"

"Not really."

Lily liked the feeling of her hair being messed around with. There wasn't a specific reason why, but it helped her concentrate a little more.

She finally finished her last page and closed her book. Lily sat up quickly.

"Wait, wait, wait, I'm almost finished," warned James.

"What are you even doing?" Lily lied back down. James gave her a piece of her hair and looking at it, James had braided her hair perfectly. "How, when did you learn how to do this?"

James scratched the back of his head shyly. "I, I just did."

"I'm amazed."

"Yeah because I'm amazing," said James.

"Can't say 'no' to that," chuckled Lily. She sat up, moving closer to him and leaned on his shoulder, James with his arm around her.

They sat cuddling there for about an hour, James playing with Lily's hair. Lily rested her head on his chest and felt like she was about to fall asleep.

As she was about to fall asleep, Sirius's fat arse was in the way and tried to sit in the middle of them. Lily would've kicked him, but James had already released his arm around her and moved over to let Sirius sit.

"Oh hello, my best friend!" said James enthusiastically.

"Hey, James!" said Sirius in the same tone. Lily smacked a hand to her head.

"I'm Lily," mocked Sirius, leaning on James's shoulder. What the actual hell, she thought. She couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Shut both you and your fat arse, I was about to fall asleep and all I see is your arse," said Lily smacking a hand to her head.

"I have a fatter arse than you," laughed Sirius, making James cackle with laughter. "You're one to laugh, what, are you looking at her arse all day?"

"Oi, shut your arsehole," said James. "I'm respectful, I don't do that."

"Shut both of your arseholes!" said Lily. "Don't you dare start those sex jokes again, my god!" How was she even friends with such nerds?

"Yeah, okay, I love you too," replied James, laughing.

"More like 'I love your arse, Lily'." whispered Sirius.

"More like 'I love your dick, Moony'." replied Lily sarcastically. James started laughing like a pterodactyl, making Lily smile. Sirius raised his eyebrows. 

Remus walked into the common room with Marlene and Dorcas just as Lily had said that. Remus walked up to his friends. "What?"

Lily shrugged. "Oh nothing, it's just Sirius loves your di — ." Sirius covered her mouth with his hand.

"She said it's nothing." Sirius stood up to give Remus a hug.

Just as Lily was going to take back her spot next to James, both Marlene and Dorcas moved in and sat in the middle of them. Now this was awkward.

"Oh my god, hi Lily, I haven't seen you all day!" said Marlene in a mocking, high-pitched voice.

"Of all things that could happen while I'm trying to take a nap," Lily muttered. "Hi, Marlene."

Marlene turned around, facing James. "Hi, James."

James waved awkwardly, raising his eyebrows and glancing at Lily every now and then. Lily returned the awkward looks and suddenly made James smile.

"Oh, are we interrupting something?" said Dorcas in Marlene's annoying tone. "Oops, sorry!"

Dorcas stood up, but Marlene hadn't moved. 

"Marlene, I know what you're doing and I swear to god, if you do not move in the next ten seconds, I will kick you off," Lily whispered in Marlene's ear casually.

"Hmm, I thought you hated him," Marlene whispered back sarcastically.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Five...four...three — " Marlene moved as fast as she could. Lily moved back over to sit next to James, his arm open to hug her. Until she was pushed away again.

"Hi, Lily! I haven't seen you all day," said Remus, sitting in the middle of them. 

"Okay, I'm done with this, if I'm going to take a nap, I'll take a nap in my dormitory," said Lily, getting up and walking up the stairs to her dormitory. 


ahah surprise

this chapter (including author's note) is 942 words
thanks for reading this last chapter!

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