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Chapter Fourteen: The Hospital Wing

Lily could barely sleep that night. She crashed onto the common room couch because she was so tired. Her mind was stuck on James, what if he didn't even get to the Hospital Wing the right way? What if he does something stupid again?

But why would she have to worry so much? She didn't worry about him this much before, she didn't think of him this much to the point she wasn't able to sleep? And to think that before, he was even more stupid. 

Was Sirius right? Did she catch feelings for him?

Ha, James Potter, out of all people. No way, there was no way. They've just been spending more time together, that's it, right? There's no way out of all people, it could be James. 

Lily opened her eyes. It was still dark outside and she was the only one in the common room. She couldn't think straight anymore. She got ready for the school day early (wearing James's black sweater) and visit James in the Hospital Wing. 

She grabbed her books, walking out of the portrait hole. She closed it as quietly as she could. Once she had, Lily turned around. 

"Where are you going, young lady?" whispered the portrait.

Lily stopped. "Visiting a good friend in the Hospital Wing. I couldn't sleep."

The portrait stayed silent, so Lily kept walking anyways. 

She had the effort to walk up all of those stairs to the Hospital Wing, James in the back of her mind the whole time. Once she got to the top, the door was open and she walked in normally.

Lily found James's bed where he lied, sleeping peacefully. His glasses were still on his face, which made Lily laugh. She slowly took his glasses off of his face before he could break them. 

There was a bandage on the side of his face, covering his injury. Lily moved a bit of his hair away from his face. He really did look peaceful. How could someone look this peaceful when they're sleeping?

James slowly opened her eyes. He caught Lily in his room as he grabbed his glasses to take a better look.

"Lily?" he asked with a sleepy voice.

"Hi, James," she sighed.

"What are you doing here, what time is it?" he asked right away. "You should go back to sleep."

She shrugged, "Well, I couldn't."

James smirked at her, resting his head on his hand. "What, you were worried about me so much?"

Lily rolled her eyes. "Don't flatter yourself."

James scooted over, showing Lily there was space on his bed. He patted the spot. "I said you needed to go back to sleep, right?"

Lily rolled her eyes again. "Only because I feel like being nice. If I end up late to classes, I'll blame most of it on you."

"And how will you do that, are you gonna tell them 'you were really really worried so you decided to check on me'?" he smirked as she walked over to the side of his bed.

"What? No, no. I'm not telling them that. But I could tell that to Severus, though. Knowing him, he'd laugh about you hurting, but would get mad that I was worried." She crawled into the blankets next to him, facing away from him.

James sighed. "I'm glad you came to visit."

Lily exhaled deeply. "I don't even know if I can go back to sleep anymore," she told him honestly.

James snickered. "I'm right here, there's nothing for you to worry about," he joked.

Lily switched her position so she was facing him now. She rolled her eyes. "I meant that I don't think I'm tired anymore."

"Okay, so you can still stay here with me."

"I never said I was leaving," said Lily sarcastically. James smiled at her, but the bandage on his face caught her eye. She moved a part of his hair that covered it. "How's the scratch?"

He thinned his lips awkwardly. "Doing fine. They had to put this weird paste thing on it which I completely hated."

Lily chuckled. "Are you sure you don't want the black sweater back?"

James shrugged. "I could get it back, but I think you need it more than I do."

Lily smiled. "Wow, someone's thoughtful — "

Echoing footsteps could be heard coming their way. Lily covered her mouth, James's face immediately turning his head. He grabbed the blanket, hiding Lily under it.

"James, it's already obvious!" Lily whispered.

"Shh, just shush. No one was supposed to visit at this time." He kept looking from her to the door. The footsteps grew louder.

"And you tell me now? You idiot — "

"Lily, be quiet!" He covered his mouth with his hand.

Lily hid her head under the blankets, trying to be as quiet as possible. She didn't move. James was so close to her, it felt strange to be this close. That feeling came back again, the sinking feeling. 

James's other arm went around her shoulder. The footsteps grew louder and louder, but then paused. 

"Did I hear something?" said a woman's voice. It must be Madam Pomfrey's.

James shook his head. "N, No, I sleep talk. I just had a bad dream, sorry," he lied.

Madam Pomfrey had sighed, her clicking footsteps fading now. James exhaled deeply. "Sorry," he whispered. 

Lily sighed, moving her head to use his chest as a pillow. "It's fine."

She could feel him breathing. James hesitated for a few seconds, then adjusting his arm. One hand was behind his head and his other arm around Lily's shoulder. 

"I didn't mean to shut you up."

"I forgive you, okay? It's fine," she told him. James raised the blanket so Lily's head peeped out. She could breathe a bit better now. Lily rested her head on his chest. Her eyes felt heavy again, would she be able to sleep now? There really wasn't anything to worry about anymore, James was right there. He softly ran his fingers through her hair, making her even more tired.

Her eyes closed, and just like that, Lily was asleep without any other worry.


this chapter (including author's note) is 1,043 words
thanks for reading :)

~the sweater

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