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Chapter Three: To Find Out

After James was able to make Lily laugh, a slamming sound came from the entrance of the Gryffindor Common Room. James flinched, looking over to the source of the sound and immediately having a protective arm out for Lily. Lily flinched as well, covering her mouth to stop herself from making a noise.

"What the hell was that?" James whispered to her. He tilted his head. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Lily told him, although her voice was muffled from covering her mouth. She covered a smile behind her hand. "You?"

"Same here."

James still had his arm in front of her, protecting her. He scooted a bit to the outside of the corner to see a peek of what happened. He was quiet.

After he peeked a bit, he scooted all the way back to Lily with wide eyes. "It's Sirius," he whispered. "And if he finds us, we both know what his reaction will be."

James put his arm around her, Lily still with her hand over her mouth. She had a strong urge to laugh but fought against it.

Just as James had said, Sirius, Remus, and Peter's footsteps could be heard from the whole common room. 

"Oh my god, Sirius, you didn't have to do that at all, the Fat Lady will be screaming at other kids for the rest of the day," complained Peter. "You didn't have to slam the portrait."

"I felt like it." Sirius barely explained. "Now where the hell is my best friend?"

James hid his face.

"I don't know, Sirius, but James isn't the only one gone. Lily," Remus's voice could be heard. "Is it possible the both of them went to sleep early?"

 "You think James does that?"

"No, but maybe Lily does. I could ask Marlene when I see her," Remus suggested.

"I'm gonna check on James, he could be in the dormitory," Sirius's voice groaned.

Sirius's footsteps grew louder and louder towards the corner. Both of them didn't know what to do now. Both hoping Sirius wouldn't check the corner.

Lily closed her eyes, but once she had, she heard Sirius's voice.

"Oh, would you look at that. Would you believe it?" Lily opened her eyes; James was looking at the outside part of the corner and there was Sirius, looking at the both of them with a smirk. "The two people we were both looking for. James and Lily. Both in the tiny corner beneath the stairs."

Lily exhaled deeply. "Hi, Sirius," she said breathily. 

James released his arm from her. He scooted outwards, once out, letting out his hand to help Lily. She grabbed it without hesitation and pulled herself out of the corner.

"What were you two doing there?" Sirius teased with his arms crossed.

Lily took a look at James; his cheeks were red and he kept playing with his hair. He took a small glimpse at Lily before looking at the ground. Sirius, on the other hand, furrowed his eyebrows and his arms were crossed.

"Oh my god, James you — you gave her your — that's adorable," Sirius said honestly. He made a little pouting face.

James looked down shyly, scratching the back of his neck. His lips shaped into a small smile, causing Lily's stomach to flip.

"What were you guys doing down there anyway?" asked Peter.

Both Lily and James stayed silent.

"They were hugging or something. That's what I saw," admitted Sirius, pointing to the corner of the stairs. "It was adorable — "

"Okay, Sirius, shush," ordered James quietly. 

Sirius looked over to James and winked at Lily. She looked back at James and gave him a small smile. James messed up his hair again, going back to being shy around Lily now that she was wearing his sweater. She glanced at the others who were eyeing both of them and she could feel her face getting hot.

"What," said James in this mini moment of silence.

"Nothing, James. Nothing. Why, do you have something to tell us?" smirked Sirius. He tilted his head back.

"No," said James hesitantly. 

All of them were giving the two of them the same teasing look that told her 'you guys are cute together'. Lily couldn't tell how she was feeling, it was a mix of everything. A bit of feelings for James and a bit of embarrassment of the looks Sirius, Remus, and Peter were giving them.

To be honest, Lily couldn't compile how she felt about James. She felt like friends although her heart felt something different. Out of all people she could feel this for, why James?


hello there ppl!
chapter three has 786 words (including author's note)
we're running short today, sorry

~the sweater

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