Chapter Five. Weapon Training

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This Chapter is dedicated to @ArianeScarlet cause she vote my story.

Recap------------------------------------------------------''Come on , the real lesson starts now. Let's learn about the using of the riffles and grenade and so...'' He notice my empty cup and assumed I've rested. ''No worries, you'll pick up fast. I've been estimating you and found that you have high concentration and you have great power. You'll do good.'' He reassured me.

''Thank you for your compliment but can rest for ten minutes more? Please..'' I try to convince him to let me rest. I even pout. But you know what he says?


-------------------------------------------------------------Chapter Five

''Okay, so when you hold this shotgun, I want your thumb on the back of it for support. Your thumb shall never leave that position because it will help for the aiming.'' Kenneth teach me the proper way to hold a shotgun.

Just when I hold it with both of my hands, Kenneth voice come ringging beside my ears.'' Never hold a riffle or shotgun with both of your hands. That is just pure distraction from your other hand. When you hold it with both of your hand, your left hand will action slightly slower than your right or vise versa. So only one hand. Choose the stronger one.'' Kenneth explain to me.

I nod my head and hold it with one hand.'' Okay now, relax your shoulder and Bang.'' Kenneth said. I do as he say, I relax my shoulder and fire at the target.

Bang! The bullet shoots target nine. Not bad, nine out of ten. Oh yeah, I have the talent. I look at Kenneth, hopefully he will compliment me and yes he did.

''Not bad, first time shooting get nine. But try harder,I want perfection. It's for your own good.'' Kenneth told me. His words concern me. How am I going to get hurt in that world. But I did not say a thing. I just keep continuing practising until I aim the red target.

Sweat pour down like rain. My shirt is now basically sticking on my body and it shows all of my curves. I wipe off the new sweat that merge from my forehead. I try to relax and focus again. I keep my thumb on the back of the shotgun, strech my right hand until it's limit, focus on my breathing. Breathe in, breathe out and....


Bang! The bullet hit the red target. Oh My Gosh. Did I just hit the target? It's too good to be true. After two hundred and fifty-two shoot. I finally hit the target. I do a happy dance with my hands up in the air.

''Is that just pure lucky or you've got it? Let's try it again and we shall know it. Shall we?'' Kenneth said it without emotion.

We shall not, I thought to myself but I'm too coward to say it out loud so I just nod my head.

I aim it again and shoot. ''Tadatadada!'' I sing . The bullet hit the red target again. ''Can I rest for a tinsy bit now?'' I ask Kenneth. He smiles in approval.

''In fact, that's good for today. You've done a great job. Tomorrow, you'll shoot with a bow and arrow. '' He walk out of the room with me.

I walk out with my shoulders down. I'm so exhausted that I cannot walk without slouching my back. But my eyes shows my excitment for archery. I'm quite excited about it. Don't you watched Hunger Games? Katniss is super cool in that movie.

I took a long bath. The warm water ran down and through my body and it soothe my aching muscle. I wash my hair with lemon flavour shampoo. I feel alive again from the sweat I had during training. I am free from sweat.

I changed into my purple shorts and long sleeves shirt. That's how I wear to sleep. It's not yet time for sleeping but I know that after dinner, I will be tired to change again. So why not now.

I walk to the kitchen and have my dinner. As usual, Aaron never failed me with his cooking skill. The roast chicken taste absolutely good with rosemary. I finish it quickly.

After that, I walk to my bedroom and watch a movie. If you know 'She's The Man' by Channing Tatum and... I can't remember the actress name. I watch this movie when I was fourteen year old. I still watch it now. It never fail to entertain me although I watch it over I can say hundred plus times. I can remember all the lines in it.

''Do you like cheese?'' I mimic Channing Tatum sound as he ask his roomates to practise with him how to talk to girls. She ask him to ask her if she like cheese.

''Why yes I do. My favourite's Gouda.''

Just then Kenneth walk in my room with that sentence. But luckily he did not do the hand thing or I really will laugh infront of him. Didn't know he watched comedy too. This is so not like him.

Not bothering to look at my shock face, Kenneth just plug off my electric wire to the TV. And poof... no more TV.

''Time to sleep . Archery tomorrow. And by the way, cut your finger nails short.'' He waves me goodbye and walk out my room.

''Night night.'' I whisper and off to bed.

Chapter Five people.. And who've watched ''She's The Man''? Go watch!! Comment and I will give you a shout out. If you have notice, I usually update my story on Friday. XOXO.. Thankiew for the votes....

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