Chapter Nineteen

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This chapter is dedicated to @NoelCobarrubia because he/she voted for my story. Thanks alot yeah.. Please check out my new story if you would. ''Fighting The Undead.''


Chapter Nineteen.

A loud thud woke me up. I open my eyes and I saw Fel flying towards me. Her face clouded with worried and she's checking me like she's worried if I'm injured or not.

''What happened?'' The sleepiness in me had all gone. I asked Fel. Wanting to understand what's happening.

''There's no time for explaination. I'll tell you on the road.'' She rushed over to me and quickly help me up and asked for an empty bag. She asked me to wash up and she proceed on putting my clothes in the bag.

When we are all ready Fel and I quickly rushed down the stairs and out to the open. The scene infront me leave me in total shocked.

Fairies are fighting against the merhumans.(mermaid and merman.) Bodies are scattered on the ground and some have missing limb or blood covered body.

The air is filled with the heavy metal scent of the blood which was merged with the smell of the smoke caused by the fire. Cries  and mourning for the loss could easily be heard and seen.

The once beautiful and refreshing view was long gone. The replaced was awful. Smoke rising from all places and the air is suffocating.

''Come on, there is no time for this. The guard could not hold for long.'' Fel shouted and pulled me with her. It's a 10 minute run and when we reach the place we were instructed, there's a black SUV waiting. The guard hurried us into the car and he swiftly drove the car away.

''What happened?'' I asked Fel. Determine to have the answer. ''The mermaid tribe declare war with us. Their Chief wanted to take over our land and it's just the begining.''

''What do we do now? Ashton is not even here.'' Even though I'm his mate that made me kind of rank like him too but I never been into war.

''I don't know either. Let just wish Ashton come back earlier.'' Fel sigh and frown. No ones wanted to see this happen but it had happened so what we can do is just wishing we would win this war.

''Have you contact Ashton?'' I asked Fel. She nodded her head but her frowning just worsen. ''He didn't answer anyone of it. I just hope he called back soon if not.....'' She burried her head in her hands.

Ashton, you there?

I tried mind link him but I can't reach him. I couldn't even feel his presence at all. All I felt is emptiness in my mind. Where is he?

''How long do we still have until we're starting losing?'' I asked Fel in concern of the situation now. Ashton has told me that as his mate I would rank equal as him. My responsibity would also be helping the fairies and the merworlds(mermaid world) to held peace in both tribe.

''Our warrior had just mind-linked all the fairies. He said 3 days is the most that we could delay.'' Fel look almost at the edged of crying when she told me out loud how bad the situation is.

''Alright. We will wait for two days. If by the time Ashton is not yet back then I'll take charge in it.''  My voice seems unsure but there's no going back. Ashton is not back yet and they desperately need a leader.

Fel nodded her head in agreement. This is the best decision after all.

When we reach the place, I thought we were lost. The whole place is covered in green vine and all sorts of spikey stem which height could easily pass for 3 stories high. It's all over the area amd I highly doubt that if a moce could go through it without hurting itself.

Just as I'm about to ask the reason we stop here, Fel turn and stand at my back. She and the other fairy grab my hand and they started mpving their wings. They flew up in the sky with me holding both of their hands. They easily flew above the the vine and went further in.

Once we past the vine, we could see small cottages in it. The cottage were like big tree trunk with door on it. If it's not for the situation it's really quite a scenery.

They flew down and gently hold me on the ground. The faries there quickly welcome me. Most of them are women and children. Although I'm human but they too wlecome me with open hands.

I look in the surrondings and found out that we were surrounded by the the vines. It's like a huge circle of protection for us to be safe in it. The compound in it were big as it still have a lot of free space in it.

''The elves help us to build that. They have better connection with the forrest. When they called for help, the forrest answer.'' Fel stood beside me explaining the vines that form a circle.

Although the war is happening but the children here seems carefree. They're like their usual self. Playful and happy.

''Where's most of the men?''

''They were the ones fighting against the merhuman. Men stand better chance against them. They were also train from young to help in battle if war is coming up.'' Fel explained.

I walked around for some time and I ask Fel for my place to rest. I need to come up with some plans if Ashton is not coming back in time.

She kindly show me and walk out the room leaving me some time alone. I walk to the table and took the seat. I sat down and think. It's peaceful and quite here as it located in the far back. I purposely asked for it so I could have some time to think about the situation.

I then realize that I had really little information about both tribe. I look for a paper and jot down the things that I want to ask Fel later when I meet her.

I think everything twice as carefully as I'll ever be. This is the real war. Not just some video game on the computer.

It took me nearly 2 hours to came up with some idea but I still need Fel for information.

I could feel my headache is slowly creeping up head slowing down my progress. I fold the paper neatly and put it in the pocket. I walk over to the bed and decided to take a nap.

My mind keep wonder to the war that happen today. How could something happened so fast. I could still remember the peacefulness of yesterday. Everything changed overnight.


Hey guys, I decided to put some interesting part here. Stay tune for the next chapter. Please read my new book and leave some comment. I know it only had two chapters because I'm waiting for some comments.
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