Chapter 1: The PR team

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"Korra!" Opal exclaimes in my direction me, I notice how her cheeks are flushed from the alcohol as she stumbles toward me "There's my girl! Where have you been?" She slurred, wrapping her arms around my shoulder.

"I was just at the bathroom," I answer simply.

"Was Asaaamiiiii with you?" She giggled, swaying in her place.

"What?" I blushed "W-what makes you say that?" I strummered.

"Oh I don't know," she grinned "maybe the mouth shaped marks you're covered in?" She laughed as I immediately slapped my hand on my neck, hiding it "Where is she anyway?"

"She had to go make some business calls," I answer truthfully and glance over my shoulder instinctively to see if she returned, when I see that she haven't, I turn back to Opal.

"Pfffft, at my wedding?" She growled disapprovingly "What a workaholic."

"Believe me, it's important."

She worries her bottom lip "Is everything okay?" She asked, genuinely concerned.

I take a deep breath and force on a smile "Of course, don't worry about it," I say assuringely "just enjoy your day for me, alright?"

She nodded and pressed her lips together "This better be true though! If I find out something happened I'll beat your ass!" She laughed and went back to the dancefloor. I watched her dancing clumsily with her friends for a few moments before walking away, going to the porch to look for my girlfriend.

Honestly, Asami scared me.

After I got over the initial shock of the entire world knowing about our relationship, I calmed down, not thinking it was such a big deal, people were about to find out anyway, right?

But she didn't think so.

She was completely horrified. Her eyes were wide and her face was pale, she kept reading the article again and again while chewing on her fingernails, texting a bunch of people nonestop and so on.

I tried to calm her down, to assure her it's going to be alright, but she just waved me off saying she had to go make some calls and walked away, leaving me entirely alone in the bathroom.

I can't say I get it, I didn't even know it was a secret, we weren't exactly discreet in public, and she never acted like she cared what other people thought about us, so why was she so upset by this?

I finally spot her outside, pacing back and forth while pinching the bridge of her nose, and I stepped closer.

"... You have no idea what you're asking me to do! I- well, no, but... Fine, fine! I'll think about it." She hang her phone aggressivly and grumbled in frustration, burrying her face in her hands.

"Asami?" I say softly and approach her, startling her a little "Is everything alright? That didn't sound good."

"Are you seriously asking that?" She snapped, disbelief in her tone "Have you read the article?" She opened her phone.

I sigh "Asami-"

"-Four months after the arrest of the former CEO of future Indestries Hiroshi Sato," She recided, causing me to wince "His daughter, Asami Sato, the current CEO of the company, seems to be running schemes of her own-" she stopped, raising her gaze to me "What the fuck does he have to do with any of this? Are they seriously comparing me to a fucking terrorist?!"

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