Chapter 4: Going home

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The next two and a half week went by in a blur.

We went sight seeing mostly, she showed me around town and I learned a lot about how her life here was like. For example, I got to see the university she went to, and and some of the gay clubs she talked about, it was quite nice.

I didn't talk to her about her father yet, but I had a good reason! She was already so stressed out about everything I didn't want her to get even more stressed, and if she'd get mad, then she wouldn't have me to help her through everything else. Not to mention, she didn't mention anything about her being upset because of him, so why would I randomly bring it up?

At least that was what I told myself instead of admitting I was scared shitless.

But to be fair, Asami gradually became more on edge, at the beginning I hugged her or kissed her every time I thought she was out of it in order to comfort her, but after we got recognized a couple of times, she started looking a little uncomfortable about it, so I stopped.

When I say 'got recognized', I mostly mean that she got recognized, although I also got recognized once, which was a new territory to me, and I kinda just stummered nervously and found the first excuse I could to flee.

Eventually, Asami had to get back to the company, and I had to get back to work, not to mention Opal threatened that if she'll get back from her honeymoon and we're not back yet, she'll rip my throat off, so, undoubtedly, it was time to head back home.

"You and Asami are already at the airport right?" Opal asked at the other side of the line.

"We are," I affirmed "Sam's just saying her goodbyes, then we'll take off," I say, looking at Asami that's been talking to Ginger, Ginger handed her something and they both glanced at me for a moment. I raised a questioning brow, to which Asami only replied with a small smile and a shake of her head.

"Is everything alright with you two? All things considered?" Opal asked, concerned.

"I don't know, everything is kinda weird right now," I sigh "I know it's a temporary thing, but I can't help but feel like it's pushing us away from one another."

"You tried talking to her about it?"

"No, I don't want her to feel guilty," also it's partially my fault for keeping secrets from her "it feels selfish on my part."

"Korra, I love you, but you're an idiot."


"You're in a relationship, communication is key. If you feel like she's pushing you away, talk to her about it."

"But what if she's pushing me away because she wants to break up?" I worry my bottom lip.

Opal stays silent for a minute.

"Are you dumb?" She finally speaks.

"What?" I ask in confusion

"Are you dumb?" She repeated "tell me Korra, would you take someone you wanna dump on an all expense paid trip to Ba Sing Se?"

"I mean no, but we've been here for a while she might've changed her mind."

"Ok, but can we agree that it makes sense she'd be a little distant in public all things considered?"


"And when you two were alone, did she act like she wants to break up?"

I try to think back to our nights and lazy days together, we usually cuddled and watched a movie, or cuddled and talked, or... Not talked... And those days were actually perfect, was I just stressing over nothing this whole time?

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