Hotel room

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Two and a half years ago:

I got out of the hairdresser's salon. A new haircut to match my mental breakdown, I chuckle to myself and shake my head, my hand roaming through my newly cut bob. I think my gay is showing.


Oh you gotta be shitting me.

"Are you following me or something?" I spit out angerly, turning around to face Kuvira, a glare on my face "I already told you, I don't wanna talk."

"Just let me explain–"

"No fucking way." I shake my head furiously and start walking away, but unfortunately she quickly catches up to me.

"Listen," she urges "this is not what it looks like–"

"For the love of fuck, how is it not what it looks like?" I shot out angerly.

"It's just not," she insists "can we sit somewhere? Work it out?"

"Why? So you could keep telling me lies? Do you even know what your lies did to me? Do you have any idea what I had to fight through?!" I yell at her, not caring about the faces turning our way "I'm done, with all of this." I gesture to her.


"Nothing that you say has any truth in it, even in the slightest." I continue telling her off "You were always such a hypocrite. I wish I would realize sooner how much of a two faced bitch you are."

"That's not fair." She scoffed, frowning "You're not even listening to what I have to say."

"You're such a fucking child!" I laugh bitterly "Of course I'm not listening to you! Turns out I don't even know you! For months you made stories up! I'm sick of the untruths you throwing up my way!"

"I wasn't lying about everything!" She shouted "Just this one thing, the rest was true!"

"You had me thinking I was going insane!" I fist my hand into my hair "But guess what? Turns out the entire time I was just your favourite plaything!"

I see Kuvira opening her mouth to speak, so I immediately stop her.

"You're still talking?! Shut up!" I call, practically screaming, tears leaking from my eyes "Stop rubbing salt into the cut. You broke my trust, what's done is done. You're. Dead. To. Me." I hiss.

Finally, she stays quiet. She doesn't look hurt, she doesn't look guilty, she doesn't seem to care that she hurt me, but then again, she probably never cared.

"Kuv, you're a loser." I say under a harsh breath, voice shaking with anger "And I'm ashamed to say I was ever with you. You used me, you used everything I was willing to give you, and I swear to god that I will never ever miss you."

And with that, I walked away from her, once and for all.

And believe me, I did not look back.

God, I hope I'll never miss her...


Current day:

"I don't get it," I scratch my head "explain this again?"

Mako sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose "I looked into the Kuvira case, but given the fact that she lives in Zaofu, I'd have to contact Zaofu PD in order to press charges."

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