Breakfast in bed

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"What. The. Fuck." I mutter.

Huh, look at that. I was making Asami pancakes, then I leave the kitchen for five seconds and when I come back, all of the pancakes are fucking flying all over the place. Didn't even know pancakes can fly.

Fuck, they're trying to escape. Wait, what is it with them? Is that... My Doritos?!? Oh, fuck no.

I start chasing them down, but they're fast, and now we're in the park, and me and Naga are chasing them, but I can't even see them anymore, so maybe we're just running? Suddenly I crash into someone, but I didn't see anyone, it's almost like they just appeared out of thin air.

"I'm so sorry...!" I call and raise my head to see teen Asami. What.

She sinks her face into her hand "I'm am soo emberessed..." She says and blushes.

Then someone screams 'Bo!' behind me, and I yelp, snapping backwards to see Bolin.

"Lin!" He completes with a wide grin, pointing at himself proudly, like he just told the funniest pun in the world.

"Korra..." Asami calls from behind me and nudges me "Korra..."




Then suddenly everything is filled with water, and I'm drowning. Fuck I'm drowning!

My eyes shot open and I gasp for air, realizing I'm in bed and Asami is above me, pinching my nose and snickering.

"Why would you do that?" I whine.

"You wouldn't wake up," she shrugged and removed her fingers "Dream well?"

"I just had the weirdest dream..." I mumure "I felt like I was tripping."

"Well, that's a great start to the day," she smiled "happy anniversary, Korra."

I beamed, tilting my head upwards to capture her soft lips in a seering kiss, sliding my hands to her hair and fisting slightly.

"Mornings breath," she complained.

"Ugh, fine, I'll go brush my teeth," I roll my eyes and start getting up, but she immediately pushes me down.

"Don't you dare get up." She threatens with a smirk "Wait here." She adds and gets up, bolting from the room.

"Sami?" I call after her, leaning on my elbows.

"Just a sec!" She called.

After a moment, she returns. A proud smile on her face and a tray of food in her hands, and I quirk an eyebrow.

"I made you breakfast in bed." She grinned.

My eyebrows shot to my hairline, and I couldn't help but grin too "Since when do you cook?" I ask in a mixture of suprise and awe.

"I learned." She laughed, handing me the food tray, and on the plate rested two toasts with butter, fried egg and a waffle with blueberries. On the side was two glasses of orange juice with a slice of orange stuck on the glass.

"What a good housewife," I tease, taking a sip- Oh, that's alcohol. "Mimosa?" I ask.

"Mhm!" She squealed enthusiastically "Made it myself."

"Shit, this is incredible." I say in awe "You are perfect. How are you even real?"

"I love you too hot stuff," she laughs and lays down next to me, nuzzling into me "That's my first anniversary with anyone." She murmured.

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