Chapter 6: Suspects

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"What do you mean it was just some guy?!" I yell at him.

"I don't know what to tell you Korra, the only connection he has with Asami is that he used to know her father."

"Were they friends?"

"Not really," Mako shook his head dissmisevly "he just used to work for Future Indestries, that's how he knew where she lived."

"So he was bitter about losing his job," I insist "and that's why he broke into Asami's place."

"He never met her, he quit his job a little while after Hiroshi was arrested," Mako sighed "it doesn't seem to be personal."

"You don't know that," I bit back "maybe he ressented her for cutting Hiroshi off, maybe he met her as a child and didn't like her, heck, maybe Hiroshi himself had something to do with it!"

"You need to calm down," he warned and crossed his arms "also it's a little disturbing that you're so fixated about it being be personal. It's like you want someone to hate your girlfriend!"

"Of course not!" I shout, my voice getting a few octaves higher then it should be "But if this is not personal, then the alternative is..."

Mako's expression softened "That it's just a hate crime," he completed.

I swallowed thickly and nodded "And if it's a hate crime, it means that she's still not safe..." I felt my eyes water and I wrap my arms around his neck with a quick movment and sob into his shoulder.

"Shhhh..." He stroked my hair soothingly "It's alright... It's only temporary."

"What if it isn't?" I sniff "the article came out two months ago, and stuff don't seem to calm down! She said that reports contact her about it every single day... What good am I if I can't even protect her?"

"Asami doesn't need protection," he answered "she just needs you to be there for her."

"But what if I'm not worth it?" I ask with my voice breaking at the end.

"Ok, listen carefully because I'll deny everything if you ever repeat that." He said with a dead serious voice "As a person who..." He cleared his throat "...Dated you, you are most definitely worth it."

At that I raised my head, shocked "You broke up with me!" I exclaim.

"Well you were in love with my ex, what choice did I have?" He protested.

"We fought all the time!"

"My point is that you shouldn't sell yourself short," he changed the subject "and Asami seems to really love you so..."

I snort "How would you even know that?"

"What do you mean? She's my friend."

"Since when do you two talk?"

"Ouch," he scrunched his nose "I'll have you know that we speak pretty frequently."

My jaw dropped "You used to hate each other!"

"When I was dating you and she was in love with you," he argued.

"Touché," I can't help but smile weakly "so since you two are apperently besties now, did you tell her that you caught the guy?"

"No, as soon he confessed I immediately got here," Mako said "did you want me to?"

I shook my head "I'll just tell her when she gets home, she's supposed to get here in..." I glanced at the wall clock, 19:47?! "... An hour and a half ago," I complete, how did I not notice the time? And more importantly, where is she?

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