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TW- Violence, you can skip it, it'll be pretty obvious where it starts and ends.


"So, what movie are we watching?" Mako asks, taking a turn.

"It's called The theatre," I inform from the back sit, annoyed that Bolin called shotgun "it's about a girl being in love with her girl best friend, but she doesn't realize it until her best friend is like, gone? Then it's following her journey to discover her sexuality."

"Sounds angsty," Mako notes.

"Very," I nod in agreement "the critics say it's not for the faint of heart."

"Isn't it funny?" Bolin mused "We're gonna watch a movie called the theatre in the movie theatre."

I grimace "That's not–"

"Why is it even called The theatre?" Mako questioned "It doesn't sound like anything you just said."

"Obviously you need to watch the movie to understand!" I snap a little "Like jeez I haven't seen it yet how should I know?"

"Woah, chill," Bolin laughs as Mako pulls over "the movie about you sounds great Korra, can't wait to watch it."

"It's not about me!" I complain. Actually, now that I think about it... Nope, not doing that. "Wait, why did we stop?"

"I ordered a tv not long ago, and it just arrived," Mako explained "so Bolin and I are gonna pick it up."

"So I'm both stuck in the back seat AND I need to cuddle a tv?" I groan "How can my day get any worse?"

"If you don't like it, you should've driven," Mako scoffed "and I'm not even putting it in the back seat, so stop being ungrateful.

I pout "You're ungrateful," I mumble under my breath.
He chuckles "Just open the garage for us, we'll be right back." And with that, the two of them left the car, closing it's doors behind them.

I make an unhappy sound and step out of the car, opening the garage and leaning against the vehicle, impatiently browsing through my phone.

It's a shame Asami couldn't come tonight... I sigh, I really wanted to watch this movie with her. Speaking of the movie, I think we're going to be late... Fuck mako and his tv

Some group of boys passes by, I only notice because they give me a funny look for a moment. It's annoying, but whatever. They whisper to one another a little, then I see from the corner of my eye them approaching me.

"Excuse me?" One of them said, though he didn't sound very apologetic at all.

I sigh and put my phone down, standing up straight and opening my mouth, though I only manage to get out a "Can I hel–" before I felt a hard punch busting my lip open and my back slams against the car.

I wipe blood from my mouth and raise my head to look at them, shocked "What the fuck?" I cry out, my ears ringing.

"Fucking dyke." Was what my attacker said before throwing another punch my way, though this one didn't make it because I ducked under it.

Honestly taking him out wasn't much of a problem, the problem was that he wasn't alone. And I was reminded of that fact when I got up only to receive a kick in my stomach, and I winced.

Another one used my imbalance to grab me by shirt and threw me to the ground, I managed to kick him in the knees, making him collapse, but there were still the other two. One of them grabbed me and lifted me off the the side walk, and when I unsecsesfuly tried to struggle out of his grip, his friends helped him hold me in place. And for a terrifying moment, I felt his forearm wrap around my neck tightly.

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