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I miss her.

I groan in frustration and take another hit, leaving the smoke in my mouth for a moment and letting it cool down, then I slowly suck it in.

I miss her so much.

Turns out, it's really easy to get weed in Republic city, like our city is broken. I might've been disturbed by this if it wasn't for how much I needed it.

Fucking hell I miss her.

I sink into my couch, close my heavy eyelids and place a dorito in my mouth. Man, I sure have a weird thing for Doritos, I don't think normal people consume Doritos that much.

It's pretty funny, I mostly eat pretty healthy, being a physical trainer and all. But Doritos? Doritos is always on the menu, even if I'm on a strict diet. Especially the green ones, with coke.

Shit, now I want coke.

I pull myself up, gyrating a little in place, disoriented. Then I stumble up to the fridge and open it, blinking a little to adjust to the new lighting. And when I do, I scan the fridge to find out I still have one can left, and I thank god, and the spirits, and myself for not drinking it.

Isn't that pathetic? I almost forgot that my girlfriend hates me because of Doritos.

"The two loves of my life!" I exclaim dramatically and slide my hand to the bag, only to find out I ran out of Doritos.

"You hate me too?" I pout "Damn, I guess I'm doomed to not be loved by the only things I care about. Asami and Doritos."

Oh damn, I think I have another bag.

I sprint to the snack drawer, almost falling on my face in the process and open it, grabbing a fresh new bag of Doritos and grinning like a winner.

"I got another chance!" I say victoriously, then squint my eyes "Do you think I'll get another chance with Asami too?" I now address the snack I'm holding.

"No way," I say with a high pitch voice, mimicking the voice of a dorito, or at least what I think a dorito would sound like if it had a voice "you fucked it allll up."

"That was mean," I scold it and open the snack "now I'm gonna eat you," I say, then a goofy grin spreads around my face "Because I can't eat Asami!" I wheeze and erupt in loud, rolling laughter. Fuck I'm stoned.

"What's wrong with me?" I mused aloud between laughter "I thought I was supposed to stay high all the time to forget I'm missing her. Tove lo lied to me."

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door, and my face lit up. I drop both the open bag of Doritos and the can of coke and bolt out of the kitchen, slamming right onto the apartment's door. But I don't even stop to be in pain and immediately open it.

"Asami?" I ask with a huge smile only for my face to fall when I see Opal standing there "Oh, hey Opie."

She blinked "Did you... Run right into the front door?" She asked, stunned.

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason?" She mumbled "Where have you been? I asked at the gym and they told me you called in sick."

"I am sick," I state matter-of-factly "sick with loveeeee."

"I... Don't think that's how it works..." She murmured "Can I come in?"


She tilts her head, narrowing her eyes in concentration while scanning my face. And I stare right back, unsure of why she isn't coming inside.

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