Chapter 2: Ba Sing Se

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I think the flight did good for Asami.

The last few days before the vacation was rough on her, apperanatly she was right– Our pictures have been all over the news, which stressed her out even more.

Other then that, the company's PR team hasn't been easy on her too. Don't get me wrong, they made it very clear that they're very happy for her, but they're also worried about the effect it might have on their sales.

Asami's been on her phone constantly, checking out the news, talking on the phone, pondering whether or not she should confirm or deny the rumors, and everytime she mentioned she might deny them, I felt the anxiety and panic rising inside me, I guess the thought of having to hide my relationship from public knowledge again was kind of... Traumatizing.

Nevertheless, I didn't want Asami to have to worry about my feelings too, she had enough on her mind, so I assured her that no matter what decision she makes, I'll support her. Which was true, but deep inside I was hoping that she'd choose to confirm the rumors.

Asami flew us down with her private fucking jet, and because of the flight she couldn't be on her phone, so we mostly talked, and also made out a lot, but the point is that she wasn't so hang up on the phone, and actually managed to relax for the first time since the wedding.

When we landed, she immediately opened her phone again, and I was about to protest when she assured me she's just calling Ginger, so that we know where to meet her.

"Can you see her?" Asami asked me, searching with her eyes.

"Uh... No," I laughed "I don't know what she looks like?"

Asami rolled her eyes "She's ginger, obviously."

"Well there's a lot of ginger people in the world!" I protested.

"Not in Ba Sing Se," she chuckled, before returning to scanning the environment. Suddenly her face lit up and she sprinted away.

I blinked, my mind taking a moment to comprehend that my girlfriend disappeared, and then I took her suitcase as well as mine and started following her, seeing her colliding with someone, I'm guessing Ginger.

I walked up to them as they pulled away, and Asami turned to me and smiled.

"Korra, this Ginger," she introduced the redheaded girl, who gave her a small wave.

"Yeah, I figured, it's nice to finally meet you!" I offered her my hand for a handshake, and she obliged.

"It's nice to meet you too! Asami told me all about you," she smirked "but she neglected how hot you are."

Asami choked and cleared her throat, sending a murderous glare towards her, while I just stared at her with wide eyes.

"Th-thanks?" I stummered.

"Like, if you two are down for a threesome..." She trailed off and chuckled when she saw me blush furiously.

"Don't boost her ego," Asami growled, slapping a hand on her forehead.

"Sorry," she laughed and smiled apologetically "I just had to know if she's really that goalable."

"She is," Asami nodded in affirmation.

"Hey!" I pouted "I'm not goalable!"

"Oh sweetie, yes you are," Asami said and pecked me on the cheek "don't worry, I like that side of you."

"You little shit," I laugh.

"Anyway!" Ginger drew the attention back to her "I told Kai we'll join him for launch, but unfortunately Wu overheard us..."

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