Rock bottom

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1 year ago, Ba sing se:

"Asami?" Ginger's voice came as I closed the bedroom's door, and I turned around to shush her.

"Korra is still sleeping," I scoffed.

"Oh yeah, Korra," Ginger mused with a slight frown "your girlfriend, who you love."

I rolled my eyes, dropping onto the couch "I just forgot to tell you, are you ever going to let it go?"

"No way," she shook her head "Asami Sato does not forget telling me things, so spit it out."

I sigh, sinking down on the couch "I did forget," I mumble "it's just that with everything that happened that day... I guess it slipped out of my mind, I just didn't think about it that much."

"Does the article really bother you to this extent?" Ginger questioned.

"I wish it didn't, but it does," I admitted "I always thought that I'll lay the terms for my official coming out, and now this right has been taken from me, not to mention Hiroshi knows too..."

"Seriously dude, you need to work your daddy issues in therepy," Ginger scolded, and I roll my eyes "otherwise it'll end up blowing in your face."

I sigh "I know, but everytime I open my mouth to talk about it I just... Freeze."

"One step at a time, start small, then go to the heavy stuff. " she assured "Is that the only thing bothering you?"

I chewed on my bottom lip nervously "I don't think she loves me." The confession fell from my lips, and I immediately looked away from Ginger's shocked gaze.

"You for real?" She asked in disbelief.

"I don't know! It was a spare of the moment confession, and she seems so nervous around me all the time..."

"Don't you think it's just because she's stressed about everything too?" She asked.

"I honestly don't think she cares," I say and can't help but smile a little. Oh Korra...

"So do you need like, a reminder that she loves you?" Ginger suggested.

"She says it a lot," I point out "but people lie about those stuff, so the only proof is her saying it without me pressuring her into saying, but that proof doesn't really exist so..." I mean, she said it first, but people say stupid shit after they orgasm so who knows right?

"Um, I've got an idea... But um, do you think she loved you back then? Before you left Republic city?" She asked nervously.

"So she claims," I shrug "why?"

"I still have your old phone."

At that, I straightened my back, shooting a suprised look her way "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I question suspiciously.

"Yep." Ginger answered with a grin.

My heart started beating faster "I don't think I can listen to it."

Ginger just pursed her lips together "You don't have to, but I'll give it to you anyways, so you'll have a choice. I just have to find it first." She smiled assuringely "But from what I've seen, she looked really into you."

I smile weakly "You think so?"

"Yeah, I do." She chuckled.

I get up to hug her "Thanks Ging," I mumure "you always know what to say."

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