Chapter 3: The spirit world

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What a fun morning to wake up alone in a stranger's bed.

It took me bolting up in total panic to remember where I am and who am I with, then I breathed out in relief.

Where is Asami anyway?

I dragged myself out of the guest's bedroom, rubbing my eyes. I saw Asami was talking to Ginger in the living room with her back turned to me and she grabed her bag, then she turned around, seeing me and smiling.

"Hey sleepy head," she said happily and gave me a quick kiss on the lips "sleep good?"

"Um, yes," I only managed to smile tiredly "going somewhere?"

"Yeah, you forgot your tooth brush, remember?" she straightened my pijama shirt "I'm heading out to buy one for you."

"What would I ever do without you?" I say, my voice coming out a little more sad then I intended, because what will I do without her?

She doesn't seem to notice though "Goodbye kiss?" She asks with big, irresistible puppy eyes. I lean towards for a quick peck, and she clenches her eyebrows in confusion.

"You call that a goodbye kiss?" She laughs and pulls away "Bye babe, bye Ging!" She called and left the apartment.

"Ok, what was that?" Ginger asked me, crossing her arms.

"What was what?" I reply flatly.

She stepped closer "That," she pointed her index finger between my eyes "is a face of a girl having doubts, and I can't have that, so spill it." She said threateningly.

"Doubts?" As if I could have doubts about dating the most amazing girl in the world? "No, it's nothing like that." I shake my head no.

"So what is it like?" She urges.

I hesitate for a moment "Nothing?" I try.

"Look, I don't wanna see something happen to my baby," she said sternly "so you better tell me what's up, and now."

I sighed "It's not what you think, I just had a talk with Kai–"

"Oh, that's why you're in a crappy mood," she laughed "kidding, kidding, go on."

"Ok, so I might've been a little invasive about her love life before me..." I said nervously and she raised a confused eyebrow "I... Um, asked about exes and stuff..."

"Can you get to the point?" She said impatiently.

"He just... Said a few things that made me feel a little insecure about how she feels towards me..." I admit, emberessed.

She blinked "That's it?" She asked, relieved

My eyebrows shot up, it seemed like a big deal in my mind, I guess she doesn't think so? "What do you mean?"

"You think Kai knows anything about how Asami feels about you?" She waved it off "Please, if you're insecure about something like that, you go to me, she tells me everything."

"He told me she dated a few girls before me," I explain sheepishly "he said that he don't think she loves any of them."

"So? What's the problem?" She smirked.

"He claims Asami told them she did."

Ginger's smile faded, her expression turned serious and she dropped her arms to her sides "Oh, I get it."

"You do?"

"Listen," she sighed and put a hand on my shoulder "I don't know what Kai heard about her past relationships, but he doesn't know the reasoning behind her actions like I do, so talk to me about this kind of stuff ok? I just wanna see Asami happy."

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