Chapter 5: Talking

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"Asami." I said threateningly, crossing my arms.

"Noooo," she said dramatically and fell back on the bed "I don't wanna..." She murmured and stirred, burrying her face in the pillow.

"Y'know, they say when you don't want to go to therapy, it means it's working," I point out "c'mon, get up."

She shook her head furiously against the pillow.

"Asami..." I groan, thinking of how to convince her "If you go I'll... Reward you?"

This got her attention, she pulled herself to a sitting position and stood up, folding her arms "Elaborate." She demended.

I scratched my head, not having thought this far "I'll uh... Consider a threesome?"

She raised a bemused eyebrow "How about a reward that doesn't involve another naked women around you?" She seethed.

I can help but chuckle at her response "Sorry, I'll figure something out."

She sighed and dropped her arms to her sides "Do I really have to go?" She complained in a small voice.

"Asami, what did we agree on?" I ask sternly, frowning a little.

"That therepy is good for me," she recited in obvious displeasure.

"And?" I urge her.

"That in this tough time it can help me  wrap my head around this whole thing," she pouted.

"That's my girl!" I grin and kiss her pout "Now let's go, I'll drop you off on my way."

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously.

"I'm meeting Bo and Opal at the airport," I explained "we're going to lunch afterwards."

"Aw, a double date?" She asked enthusiastically "See, I can't go to therapy, I wanna meet them!"

"Then I'll go get you after your session ends," I say in a tone that leaves no room for negotiation.

She puffed out "Fine, but I'll hold you onto this reward," she said matter of factly and winked, leaving the bedroom with me close behind.

We left the apartment, entering the car. Asami sat at the passenger side, gazing out of the window in silence.

"Yuan for your thoughts?" I asked, starting the engine.

"It's all such a mess..." She murmured.

"What is?"

She sighed "Nothing, never mind."

"Are you sure?" I worried my bottom lip, taking a turn.

"Yeah, I am," she answered flatly, her voice sounding distant.

I contemplated whether or not to press on the matter, and decided against it. She was going to therapy anyways, and I didn't want to push her into talking about something she wasn't ready to talk about.

The rest of the drive went with an uncomfortable silence lingering between us, and Asami shifted in her seat every now and then, not looking at me directly.

I parked the car and turned to her "You want me to accompany you?"

She shook her head "It's fine, you'll be late for Bolin and Opal."

"Talk to him," I urge, placing my palm on her hand and squeezing "tell him whats going on with you."

She nodded "I will," she said assuringely, then she glanced outside from the corner of her eye with a hesitant expression, before leaning in and pecking me on the cheek.

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