Repressed emotions

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Asami [11:04]:
Hey, can you come down? I'm outside

I stared at the text for a few good moments. What the fuck is it even supposed to mean? She havn't spoken to me in almost two weeks, now she's suddenly outside? What is she doing outside? What prevents her from coming in?

Naga was pushing against my leg, begging for attention. I kneeled down and petted her "I have to go for a little while, alright?"

Naga made an unhappy sound. I swear she sometimes understands what I'm saying to her.

"It wouldn't be for long," I assure and press a kiss between her eyes "mommy just has to go meet your... Other... Mommy?" What?

The thought of going to see Asami again made all sorts different emotions fill me. I was excited, sure, but also anxious, and maybe dreadful? It was weird and unexpected.

"Bye Naga!" I call leaving the apartment and closing the door. I took a deep breath, and bumped my forhead against the closed door, trying to calm myself down.

I'm going to see her, this is actually real. It feels like it's been ages.

I went down the stairs to see... Nothing. Is that a fucking prank? I try to look around, but she's not there. What's wrong with her? Why would she–

My phone notification went off again.

In the car, get in.

I raised my head and look around even more, and... There is her car. How did I miss that? I ask myself while approaching her car. My feet started feeling really heavy, and the more I got closer, I realized how mad I was. She just... She walked away! I always try to do what's best for her and she still just walked away as if it meant nothing to her!

Finally, I enter the passanger sit "Hey," I say, a little dryly.

"Um, Hi," she answered nervously.

Awkward silence fall on the two of us. What am I supposed to say to her? What are you even supposed to say in this situation?

"Sorry I didn't reply to your text..." She started "I was just... I had my plate full."

"It's fine," I growl flatly, not really bothering to put effort into my words, because quite frankly, it's not fine. I was trying to be considerate, and she just... Ugh!

Asami obviously didn't believe me, but she still nodded in response and started the car, driving us to who knows where. I didn't really care where we were going though, to be truthful I can't say I cared about anything at the moment.

"What happened to your fist?" She asked out of the blue.

Oh, I forgot about it "I punched a mirror," I answer nonchalantly.

Her eyebrows shot up "Why?"

"You have one guess," I grumble.

She sighed "Korra..."

"It's fine," I said again, and once again, she didn't buy it.

Asami parked, and unbuckled her seatbelt, turning in her seat to face me "We will talk about it," she assured "but we're already late, just come with me, okay?"

"Oh how considerate of you, I finally get a say in something?" I said sarcastically and got out of the car, only then I recognized where we are, and my jaw dropped.

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