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"We find the defendant guilty, of all charges!" I hear the judge rule vaguely in my crappy headphones.

I swing my fist in victory. Granted, it was pretty obvious the guy will be found guilty considering the fact that he confessed. In fact, he was quite proud of his crime. Asami put me on the phone for for the entire trial and he was literally bragging, it was really fucking disturbing.

"What an arrogant prick..." Asami mumbled.

"You good?"

"Yeah, of course. He's finally behind bars so how mad can I be," she chuckled "I'm really sorry you couldn't be here sweetheart..."

"It's alright," I sighed "I know making a public appearance is not safe for us at the moment... As much as I don't like it."

"I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"For um... Everything?" She said hesitatantly "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have to go through all of this..."

"Asami." I said sternly.

"I know I know..." She waved me off "I shouldn't apologize for things that are out of my control."

"That," I agree "and also I don't like it when you apologize for dating me."

"Oh, right, sorry..." She muttered.

"Jesus Christ Asami if you'll apologize one more time I'll rip the hairs out of my skull," I threaten.

"But I like your hair!" Asami protested.

"So you better not apologize again."

"Right, sorry," she teased and I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing right now?" I asked.

"I'm wandering around, trying to figure out how to leave the damn court," she answered "and then I think I'll go home."

My heart fluttered at the word 'home', it's been about two months since she officially moved in with me, and I still couldn't get past good it felt to hear her say that word. Also I was pretty damn proud of myself for getting her to move in with me considering how shocked Ginger was when Asami told her the news.

"Are you still there?" Asami asked.

"Oh, yes sorry," I laughed "what were you saying?"

"That I don't feel like working today anyways," she repeated "I can definitely see myself chilling with some netflix and ice-cream."

"Lucky!" I say in jealousy and grin "I wish I'd have a lazy netflix day."

"Y'know, I don't have to watch netflix if you come home too..." She suddenly said in a suggestive tone "we can have a very not lazy day if you know what I mean..."

I bit my lip "Don't talk like that."

"Like what?" She asked innocently.

"In that... Seductive tone!" I exclaim, making a few heads turn my way.

"Awww, you think I'm seductive? That is so sweet..." She laughed.

"Fuck you."

"Please do."

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