Chapter 1 - Death and Oh Shit.

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My name was Ronald, I was 19 years old and working at the warehouse. The day was normal so far, get up, go to work and repeat.

I suppose the biggest difference was how one of the new guys dropped a load of pallets on me. .hopefully an accident of course.

I could've moved into my own apartment if I hadn't died, I could have made sure that my moms bills were all paid off or maybe I could've gotten married to Leanna, the girl that I had been dating for about 3 years now.

Gilbert Residence

The problem with waking up was that I knew I had died, I died. That's it, done. I know that I died.

So waking in an unfamiliar room? Awkward, especially when I noticed that this wasn't my body.

I'm not sure about other dudes, but dead or not, I would really rather have my own god damn body. Fucking hell, I liked my own body thank you very much.

While I was . . Examining my new body the alarm clock beside the bed started to go off. I quickly turn it off and find his clothes, simple and nice. Not a bad style body that I hijacked.

I open the bedroom door as discreetly as I could, it's like being a spy dun dun dun. . Now I shall brave this random bodies world that I landed in.

Walking down the steps I hear talking, following the voices I see the kitchen and I'm pretty sure that the long brown haired one is Nina, who is absolutely hot by the way.

Though putting the pieces together and the face I have stolen, it's safe to say that I'm her cousin and that's just gross.


My head turns quickly towards Nina/Elena who is looking at me concerned. Oh right, he was kind of a junkie wasn't he? I wonder if he overdosed when I died or if my reincarnation got botched and I ended up in this fiction nonsense?

"Yeah?" I ask her curiously.

"We're wondering if you are okay." The aunt says . . What was her name again? I only watched this show because my girlfriend did.

"Great!" I say happily, bright smile and all "but I think I'm gonna need a ride to school."

"Alright," Elena says with a frown "you can ride with me and Bonnie."

"Awesome!" I say happily causing them both to look at me with raised eyebrows "what? Bonnies hot!"

Elena rolls her eyes and shakes her head as she turns to Jenna "Don't you have a big presentation today?"

Jenna looks startled "I'm meeting my thesis advisor at. . Now. Crap" then she begins to get her things together quickly when a honk sounds outside the house.

"That's Bonnie." Elena says as she glances at me unsure.

What does she expect me to do? blow something up? Scratch that, I love to blow stuff up and light things on fire.
Mystic Falls High School

Not gonna lie, the car ride was booorrrriiiinnnngggg.

Really, it was, so so boring that I'd rather get pallets dropped on me again. The most exciting part was the crow. That's just wicked. I wish I could do that.

Walking into school again when I had just graduated a year ago? Was alright I suppose, until what's her face came up to me all wanting pills and stuff like that.


"What do you mean no?" The girl says with a almost whine before trying to be seductive, leaning close to me and I hold in the urge to roll my eyes. "I'll show you a good time."

"I'll pass." I mutter as I walk past the attractive burnett. "Really, I'm not interested. Thanks though." I pat her shoulder and walk past just as wolf boy bumps into me.

"Figured I'd find you by the crackheads" he says to the girl/woman whatever as he gestures to me.

I turn to him and smirk, crossing my arms over my chest "perhaps you should check your information first. Or you can remind your girlfriend that I'm not interested." Then I turn away.

Aside from that, school was kind of boring. Add in that I can't draw anything worth a shit then well, whatever. I could build a house or fix a lawn mower, a car, well, I can fix just about anything that runs really.

Which means I needed to change my class into shop class instead of drawing/art and all of that.
Salvatore Boarding House

None of the bigish badish Salvatores should be home quite yet. I knock.

Zachary Zach answers the door with a frown "Jeremy?"

"Yeah man, got vervain? Liquid and dried and I would also like some to grow on my own." I state bluntly.

"You know."

"Yup, just don't tell anyone." I warn him "it's none of there business and if they leave me be I'll leave them be." Simply stated fact and no lies.

No beating around the bushes here for me.

15 minutes later and he's back, the vervain all in hand and ready to go.

"Thanks man, don't let Damon kill you, move the fuck out." I say cheerfully as I turn around and head home.

Gilbert Residence

I look at the liquid vervain with a frown on my face. I need to make a way to keep it on permanently. NO ONE is going to try to fuck with MY Memories. EVER. FUCK THAT.

Now, I'm not sure what pairing I'm going to go with.

MAYBE Jeremy x Anna


Jeremy x Rebekah


Jeremy x Bonnie


I'll make it a Jeremy x OC and give one of the other characters an OC sibling.

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