rin x reader

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it was snowing you were standing outside it was almost midnight , in 90 mins it will be Christmas, you smiled and entered your house to prepare yourself hot chocolate and yes you lived alone of course you do you are 19 years old and nearly 20 which means you're becoming a women.
a friend of yours called you.

"hello?" you answered

"awwwww [y/n]-chan Mt boyfriend asked me for marriage! I'm sooo happy! he's the best" said your best friend or more like yelled.

"gratz haha I'm happy for you! go for it " you cheered.

"thank you oh I'll say it to mommy! so gotta go byeee and merry Christmas, don't spend it alone like last year" she scolded and yes you were single.

"....mmmmmh okay bye" you hang up and thought about your position, what she said was true, you were single not that no one was attracted by you but you rejected every confession, who would go out with those idiots? seriously, staring at the Christmas tree you smiled at the chibi Rin Matsuoka on the top and giggled if [b/n] saw that she would get mad surely, and yes you were a Free! fangirl and you loved Rin that red headed hottie was the perfect boyfriend for you, but it was frustrating since he's only a fictional character but well you love him and nothing's impossible, right? you thought to cheer up.

you watched the TV but it wasn't interesting it was boring and annoying you felt asleep, you were flying into the sky with a red shark which wasn't that creepy it was cute suddenly a name popped into your mind and you muttered

"Rin ....Matsuoka" you sleep-talked.

meanwhile in the real world someone was in your house and heard you talking, the unknown person poked your nose to wake you up, no reaction still asleep he then decided to pinch your cheek, nothing still, mmmh maybe a bit harder would be great? and yes you yelled at the painful pinch and stared at the gesture in front of you.

"finally! hah so I'm. ..." before the person could finish his sentence you fainted, was it possible? was he really the one? or were you still dreaming? mmmmh maybe? but the pain was real it really was!
you woke up 8mins later but to find yourself in your bed?!? how's that? you clearly remember sitting on the couch or have you amnesia? no way! you still remember your last birthday! ...but how? you stared at your reflection into the glass to find a red mark of your cheek, so ....it wasn't a dream? you got up quickly and searched into your house but found no one disappointed you opened the fridge to take out the cake...but it wasn't there, only the plate was there? you haven't eaten anything though, you cohld hear your stomach groaning, but who?
overthinking you got a headache and returned on the couch and put a paper writing on it "I sat here!" to make sure you're not crazy, you took your laptop and read some fanfics and one-shots but then you fell asleep on the sofa with your laptop on your laps, you dreamed of your best friend's wedding this time though and cursed mentally the logic for not letting you end that awesome dream with the red shark, you were throwing flowers on [b/n] until you heard someone calling you

"[y/n] wake up! oi!" the person groaned, with your eyes wide open you reached the men's face and pinched his cheek

"OUCH! what's with that? I didn't pinch you that hard !" he scolded you

"A-are you for real?" you stuttered wishing for a positive answer

"of course I am!" he smirked with his shark-like teeth

you stared at him shocked, confused, dumbfounded... you didn't know how to react you were happy for sure but it was practically impossible? yes that was the word you hated.

"it's almost midnight, ah sorry I ate the cake....it was delicious by the way did you do it?" he asked waiting for an answer but you only nodded, he seemed kind of annoyed

"you can talk right? so do it!" he ordered sitting on the couch

"why are you here?" you managed to say

"...well Santa thought you were a nice kid this year, and here I am I'll give you a reward for that" he smirked you could see his pervert side coming out as he stared intensely at your shapes, you could only blush as he chuckled at your cute posture

"oh my you are so cute when you're embarrassed " he teased you even more

"a-anyways, how long are you going to stay?" you asked

"....ummmm forever?" he rubbed his chin "if It's okay with you of course" he plead

"of course it's okay!" you jumped out of mind and slapped your hand on your mouth realising what you said, he giggled and gave you a little box

"here...it's time" he said while blushing

"...b-but i have nothing to give you!" you protested

"well...you can always try?" he leaned and kissed you

"Merry Christmas [y/n] I'm glad i met you" the male cupped your cheeks

"Merry Christmas Rin-rin" you joked as he kissed you again.

well next will be...a request if I get any ofc :'DDD hope you like it o.o~

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