Beijing - Seoul

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I had been working on this sketch for Zhang Zilin's show all night and it was already 6:30 in the morning. I only have to get to work by 8 so I decided to take a nap before getting ready for work.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing after I snoozed it like 10 times. I picked up my phone and looked at the time.


I leapt out of my bed and ran into the bathroom. I did my daily morning routine and decided not to do my makeup. I grabbed anything out of the closet and did my hair into a messy bun. I rushed downstairs and snatched a water bottle along with an apple.

'frickity frack I forgot. I'm visiting Yeji today, urgh Y/N you idiot!!!'

I went upstairs and took my suitcase that thankfully I had remembered to pack yesterday. I rummaged in my drawers to find my passport and stuffed it in my bag. I took my suitcase downstairs and got it in the trunk of my car. I was finally off to work.

~~~AT WORK~~~


"sorry Mr. Yang, I had been up all night preparing some sketches for Zhang Zilin's dress,"

"well, I'll let you off if they're good,"

He reached his hand out signaling me to show him the sketches. I reached inside my bag and looked for them. I finally found them and handed them to him. He looked at them and gave me a questioning look.

"this is different from what we discussed in the meeting Y/N, did you decide to change it without my permission?"

I took the sketch from his hand in confusion. I accidentally showed him the sketch that was for Yeji's dress.

"I'm so sorry, that was a dress I designed for my friend, one second, I'll find the right sketch,"

Everyone in the office laughed at me for making all these mistakes. I looked in my bag and found the right sketches and handed it to him. He looked at them in amusement and nodded.

"not bad, not bad,"

I smiled in relief.

"however, that dress that you designed for your friend is much better than this sketch, is your friend a model as well?"

"huh? oh, yeah she's a model and she's participating in the Miss Korea pageant,"

"Miss Korea?"

"yes, she asked me to design her dress for the pageant so I'm going to Korea today,"

"If only you designed a dress like this for Zhang Zilin,"

"yes sir, I will work harder in the future,"

He nodded and dismissed me. I went back to my desk and carried on with my daily schedule.


I was arranging some files as Mr. Yang called me into his office.

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