he's still a human

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I woke up by myself this morning at 7 o'clock. The others were still asleep so I climbed out of my bed quietly and after grabbing some clothes from my closet I walked to the bathroom. After I brushed my teeth and washed my face I brushed my hair and changed my clothes.

 After I brushed my teeth and washed my face I brushed my hair and changed my clothes

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I walked out of the bathroom and quietly walked out of the dorm. Then I made my way to the rooftop and sat on the edge, starting to think about everything that happened yesterday.

'was I too harsh?'

'wait, what am I thinking?'

 'he said that I belong to him, but I mean he only did it because- no Y/N,'

'how am I supposed to face him?'

'should I apologize or just leave it?'

I was thinking for a while until I slowly laid down and subconsciously fell asleep. I was woken up by the sun shining on my eyes. I fluttered my eyes open and checked my watch while rubbing them.


 I got up from the edge and walked off the rooftop and back to the dorm.

"morning Y/N,"

Jun and Dino both smiled at me.

"morning guys,"

"how's your cheek?" Dino asked.

"it's ok,"

Joshua walked out of the bathroom after re-dressing his wounds.

"are you ok Joshua?"

"yeah, I'm fine I don't feel any pain,"

"that's a relief,"

"hey Y/N, you're with Woozi today, let's go together,"


I followed Joshua out of the dorm and towards the control room. When we arrived Woozi greeted us with a smile.

"good morning guys,"

We smiled at him.

"I'm gonna get on with my work,"

Woozi nodded at Joshua as he walked away.

"Jeonghan! Seungkwan!"

Two men walked up to us.

Two men walked up to us

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