train her

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~~~IN THE CAR~~~

It was really awkward but then Wonwoo hit me with a sudden question.

"so? what happened back there?"

"what do you mean?"

"after the explosion, you covered your face and started shaking,"

"oh, it shocked me,"

"that's it?"

"well, of course, you probably burned a few people alive,"

"I don't think that's all,"

"stop beating around the bush and ask me,"

"do you have some sort of trauma?"

"huh?" I was taken aback by his question.

"well, normally if someone acts like that it's because they've been reminded of a bad incident,"

"yeah, I have a trauma,"


"my parents died because there was a bombing at their company,"

Wonwoo suddenly went silent.

"me and my brothers were walking towards the company to surprise our parents on their anniversary and then the building suddenly exploded,"

He looked at me with pitiful eyes.

"I guess I was reminded of that day,"

He cleared his throat and looked forward trying to hide that I had triggered his soft side.

"anyway, where are we going?"

"to my headquarters,"


"yeah, we're gonna have some fun,"

He turned to look at me and smirked. I gulped and turned away from him.


Once we arrived at an abandoned building Vernon dragged me out of the car and led me inside the building. One of Wonwoo's men opened a door using a card with the same triangular shape on it that was similar to all their tattoos. I looked back at Wonwoo but couldn't find the tattoo.

'why does he not have the tattoo?'

"oi, walk faster,"

Vernon pushed me slightly and I started walking faster. As we walked on, there were people shooting at mannequins, throwing knives at targets and others beating each other up. I started getting nervous as we walked more and more. We finally stopped at a door that read 'LEADERS'. Another one of Wonwoo's men opened the door. There were three men, each at different desks. One being S.Coups. He noticed me and smirked.

"S.Coups, Hoshi, Woozi, meet Kim Y/N,"

They all turned to me.

They all turned to me

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