aim for the throat

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"The Miss Korea of 2020 is.........HWANG YEJI!!!"

Me and Yejoon stood up from our seats and started clapping for Yeji. She stood in the middle with the dress I had designed for her as they placed the Miss Korea crown on her. Her eyes scanned around the room until she found us. She showed us a huge smile and waved at us. We gave her a huge smile in return and waved back.


Me and Yeji were talking as a swarm of reporters came to us.

"Miss Hwang Yeji! congratulations on winning the Miss Korea pageant of 2020!"

"thank you so much!"

"can we please talk about your dress? I've never seen anything like it,"

"that's because my friend Kim Y/N designed it!" she pulled me next to her.

"nice to meet you Miss Kim Y/N! tell us, what was your inspiration to design such a beautiful dress?"

"well, the inspiration for this beautiful dress was my beautiful friend of course,"

After many questions and photos, we were finally alone.

"Y/N you don't know how grateful I am that you're here,"

"of course, I'll always be here for you,"

"thank you Y/N, I love you so much,"

"I love you to-"



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"Coups hyung told you to get there by 9 so why the fuck are you still in your bed?!"

"shit, I forgot,"

"well get up!"

He pulled me out of bed, gave me a spare toothbrush and pushed me toward the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I tied my hair in a high ponytail and walked out of the bathroom. Jun grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room. We started running until we made it to a hall. There were targets on the wall and men were throwing knives at them. S.Coups noticed our arrival and then walked up to us with a furious expression.

"Y/N, I'm pretty sure I said 9,"

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault,"

Miss Korea - (Jeon Wonwoo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now