you better not be lying to me

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We were at a convenience store as me and Ten were waiting for Lucas to come out. He finally came out and Ten turned towards me.

"Y/N, your phone, make sure there's no chip in it when they gather it for checkup or else that will be the last time we hear from you,"

That reminded me of something.

"we have check-ups every month to check if there's a spy in the gang,"

"usually if you're found with a chip in your phone, then you're dead,"

"but since you don't have a phone yet you don't need to worry about that,"

I bit my lip as I started to get nervous. Ten took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me.

"this is my phone number, memorize it,"

I took the paper from his hand and opened it up.

"whenever you're ready turn the phone on and they'll find you, ok? they're gonna want to know where you've been this whole time so just tell them that you got scared and ran away,"

He took his wallet from his pocket and handed me some money.

"for a taxi,"

I hesitantly took the money from his hand and stared at him blankly. He noticed then held my hands and looked deeply into my eyes.

"listen to me, there is a war going on between SEVENTEEN, EXO and NCT, whether or not you survive is entirely up to you, if you give us Wonwoo's location, I will get you out of here safely,"

"what about my friend Yeji?"

"I'm the clearest path between you and your friend, if you ever want to see her again, you better do what you gotta do,"

"good luck,"

Ten and Lucas climbed into a car and drove off. I noticed a taxi coming towards me so I signalled my hand for it to stop. It stopped so I climbed in and told the driver the address of Yeji's house.


We stopped outside the house so I handed the money to the taxi driver and climbed out of the car. I ran inside the house and started shouting.


I started running up the stairs.


Yejoon ran out of his room.


"Yejoon, it's me,"

He widened his eyes.

"Y/N noona!"

He ran up to me and hugged me, I came down to his level and hugged him back.

"where have you been?"

"I'm so sorry Yejoon,"

I released him from the hug and he looked at me.

"where's Yeji noona?"

"I don't know Yejoon, I don't know,"

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