you're mine, only mine

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After a long drive, we finally arrived at the pageant centre. Hoshi parked the car at the back entrance. After parking, he grabbed his walky-talky and spoke into it.

"Hyung, we've parked behind the building,"

After a few seconds, Wonwoo's voice came through the walky-talky.

"get Y/N inside and have Mrs Kang get her ready, we've parked nearby, report again when Y/N leaves the building," 

Dino and Hoshi climbed out of the car and Dino came to my side. He opened the door for me, helped me out of the car and took me inside. Hoshi led me to a dressing room and was about to leave. 

"chill here for a while, Mrs Kang will be here soon,"

After that, he left me alone in the dressing room. I went to the door, made sure it was locked then went to my suitcase, grabbed a dressing gown and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and wrapped myself in the gown then went back into the dressing room and waited for Mrs Kang. After about 5 minutes, I heard a knock on the door.

"sweetie, it's me,"

Her voice calmed me down and brought a smile to my face. I stood up and opened the door for her. She came in and started her work. First, she took my dress out of its case and helped me into it. Then, she sat me down and did my hair. After about 30 mins, she started on my makeup. I nearly fell asleep before she finished but thankfully, she was finally done. To finish it off, she put a beautiful pair of earrings and a bracelet on me. I looked in the mirror and smiled slightly.

'this is for you Yeji,'

"you look absolutely gorgeous Y/N,"

She held my shoulder and smiled brightly. I chuckled and held her hands.

"all thanks to you,"



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