no one's coming to save you

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We pulled up to what seemed like a vacation house. Wonwoo parked the car and got out of the car so I followed behind him. The8 got out of the car in front of us and walked towards us. Wonwoo saw him and stood in front of me.

"hey princess, how did NCT know we would be there huh?"

Wonwoo looked at The8 confused then looked back at me.

"do you know? how were they so ready?"

Wonwoo looked at me awaiting my answer.

"they had a sniper you bitch!"

The8 pushed me on the floor and Wonwoo pushed The8.

"don't you call her a bitch,"

The8 tried to hit me again but Wonwoo held him back.

"she saved my life back there,"

"because she has to you idiot,"

The8 pushed Wonwoo off of him and they started shouting at each other. As they were arguing I got up and brushed the dirt off of me.

"he's right Wonwoo,"

They both stopped shouting and turned towards me.


"Suho told me to tell you that NCT have a spy, a traitor, in your group,"

They both looked at me shocked and Wonwoo glared back at The8.

"this is your fault,"


"I told you to get rid of Winwin,"

"I did get rid of him,"

"yeah and I told you to do a check-up, that was your job, so how come there's a spy in the group,"

"how the fu-"

"get lost,"

Wonwoo glared at him again and then walked inside the house. The8 looked back at me and gave me a cold death glare. I gulped and slowly walked past him into the house. I followed Wonwoo into the living room and noticed a photo frame of a family.

"we borrowed this place from some friends,"

 "you look like shit, I asked Jun to bring your clothes from the headquarters,"

Wonwoo signaled me to follow him and I did into a room. There were two beds and a suitcase was on one of them.

"clean yourself up,"

He pecked my forehead and then walked out of the room. I grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom. After showering I changed into the clothes.

 After showering I changed into the clothes

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