get out

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Rosé looked up at Wonwoo with teary eyes as he started circling around her.

Rosé looked up at Wonwoo with teary eyes as he started circling around her

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"SEVENTEEN will not stand, for cowardness, or treason,"

I widened my eyes and looked down at her. Her eyes were filled with tears but she just shook her head at me. The8 looked up at Wonwoo with pleading eyes but he took his gun out.

'no, no, no,'

"Vernon, take Y/N away,"

Vernon walked up to me and grabbed my arm.


He started pulling me towards the house but I tried to escape his grip.


I started crying while screaming at Wonwoo.


"no please, let me talk to him,"

I tried to push Vernon off of me.


"Y/N, let's g-"


Wonwoo's eyes widened as Vernon stopped and all heads turned towards me.

"w-what did you just say?"

"i-it was me, n-not Rosé,"

"Y/N, don't fuck around,"

"it's t-true, I'm the snitch,"

Everyone stared at me in shock including Rosé. Wonwoo lowered his gun and held his hand in a fist as his eyes went from shocked to angry. Suddenly, he marched toward me, grabbed my hair and dragged me toward his room, and threw me on the floor while aimimg the gun at my head. I looked up at him in fear and backed up into a corner.

"go on,"

"W-Wonwoo please, j-just c-calm, calm d-down,"

"go on, explain, you said you're the snitch, tell me what the fuck you're on about before I blast your head,"

"o-ok, ok, I-I'll explain but p-please just-"

"then EXPLAIN,"

I jumped at his sudden shout as my eyes filled with tears.


"th-that day I r-ran away, f-from the pageant c-centre, I got k-kidnapped by T-Ten,"

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