what are you doing to me?

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I finished taking a shower before going to sleep. I walked out of the bathroom while drying my hair when I noticed footsteps going past the door. 

'who's up so late?'

I heard the balcony door open so I looked out my window and saw Y/N. 

'what is she doing?'

'is she trying to escape,'

'probably not,'

'it's about to rain,'

I grabbed a jacket and an umbrella then walked out of my room and onto the balcony. Y/N was on her knees, crying. I put the umbrella up and started walking towards her.

"Wonwoo, I was wrong,"

I froze. 

"I love you Wonwoo,"


"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner,"

"I'm sorry I betrayed you,"

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you,"

"I was scared to lose you, my first love,"

I sighed in guilt and stepped away from her but she stood up. She was about to turn around but then she leaned backward. I dropped the umbrella and caught her before she fell. 

"for fuck's sake Y/N, what are you doing to me?"

I picked her up bridal style and walked towards my bedroom. I put her down on the bed and took her wet clothes off. Then I walked into my bathroom to grab a towel to dry her body off. Then, I walked over to my closet and grabbed a shirt and shorts for her to wear. Once they were on, I grabbed a dry towel and sat on the bed behind her head. I gently pulled her head onto my lap and then used the towel to dry her hair. Once it was dry, I placed her in bed and covered her with a blanket. Then, I kneeled down next to the side of the bed and held her hand while staring at her innocent face.

"I'm sorry Y/N,"

"I'm the one who brought you into this mess,"

"it's my fault that you're a murderer,"

"it's my fault that Ten kidnapped you,"

"it's my fault you're scared of me, I didn't treat you right,"

"I'm sorry for slapping you, I'll never hurt you again, I promise,"

I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, then I climbed into the bed, wrapped my arms around her waist, and drifted off to sleep.



I woke up yet again with a slight pain in my head, causing me to sit up and hold my head. I looked around and noticed a water bottle on the bedside table. So I grabbed it and drank some. When my eyes finally adjusted I looked around the room and realized that I wasn't in mine and Rosé's bedroom. 

'why am I in Wonwoo's bedroom,'

I tried to remember what happened last night but the last thing I remember was crying on the balcony. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly laid down and pretended to be asleep. 

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