you're on your own

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I left the warehouse and stopped at a phone store. After buying a phone I walked out of the store and the cellphone started ringing.


"meet us at ***** parking lot by taking the ***** exit,"

"got it,"

Wonwoo cut the call and I dialled Ten's number on the phone I had just bought.



"I've got some info for you but I wanna know that you'll protect me,"

"I said I would, what are you doing in Busan?"

"they had me pick up weapons for them,"

"where's the drop-off?"

"the ***** parking lot,"

"we're heading there now, we want Wonwoo, if he's there send me a text message with the letters JWW, do not send the text message until you have visual confirmation,"

"how do I get out?"

"run to the gates near the ***** exit, on the other side there will be a swat van to pull you out, got it?"

"got it,"

I drove to the parking lot but as I was driving in I saw some men with guns standing at different parts of the parking lot. I looked around and saw the gate that Ten had mentioned. Another car parked in front of me, followed by another one behind me, then by another one to my right side, and then by another one on my left side. I unbuckled my seat belt and saw Dino walk out of one of the cars. He waved at me and I waved back. He walked to the trunk of the car and opened it up. He opened one of the boxes and took a gun out then he gave me a thumbs up. He whistled and more of their men came out of the cars and walked towards the trunk of the car. They started taking the weapons out and distributing them with each other. I looked in front of me and saw the car in front of me roll down their window.

 I looked in front of me and saw the car in front of me roll down their window

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He sat up and leaned his arm against the window. I looked behind me and saw all of the men distracted by the weapons so I took the phone and texted Ten.

'JWW Front Car'

I put the phone back in my pocket and looked up at Wonwoo. He signalled me to come towards him so I got out of the car and started walking towards his.


"Lucas, as soon as you see Wonwoo take the shot,"

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