you don't love me?

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After I showered I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into the bedroom. I was about to grab some clothes from my suitcase until I noticed something on the bed.

 I was about to grab some clothes from my suitcase until I noticed something on the bed

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'did Wonwoo leave this?'

I grabbed the dress and some white sneakers to change into. Then I put some moisturizer on and tied my hair into a ponytail.

 Then I put some moisturizer on and tied my hair into a ponytail

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I walked out of the bedroom and saw Wonwoo sitting on the couch. He turned around and I noticed his outfit.

 He turned around and I noticed his outfit

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"we're matching,"

He smiled at me then grabbed my hand and took me to the car.

~~~IN THE CAR~~~

I was looking out the window until I felt a hand on my shoulder. Wonwoo traced the inside of the dress' sleeve with his finger.

"like it?"

I nodded and carried on looking outside the window.

"where are we going?"

"you'll see,"

He carried on driving until we arrived at what looked like a pub. He climbed out of the car and a small boy ran up to him.

"Wonwoo hyung!"

Wonwoo picked up the kid and kissed his cheek.

"Dohyun ahh~, how are you?"

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