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I rubbed my eyes as I walked off the plane, Skylar dragging her feet behind me. I was very tired, but I forced myself to stay awake because I knew I was going to see Zach soon.
I pulled Skylar through the airport until we found the escalator. As we rode down the escalator, I scanned the airport for any sign of Zach, but he wasn't anywhere. Instead, my eyes landed on Daniel, which made my heart feel like it was about to come out of my throat. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a blue hoodie, and a black beanie. A few strands of hair stuck out of the beanie and I could see how bright his eyes were even though I was so far away. I swallowed thickly and cleared my head, preparing myself to hold back from running over there and kissing his perfect lips.
"Is that Daniel?" Skylar asked.
She hasn't met them yet, she has only seen pictures of Zach and Daniel.
"Yeah, that's him," I answered, staring at him longingly.
"He's cute," she commented.
"What? No, he's not! He's ugly! I mean, no...um..no, he's um..." I trailed off, mentally face palming myself.
"Didn't you like date him in high school?" she asked.
"No, we weren't official. I mean, I already told you this..like about how we fucked a couple times in high school, but it was nothing. We're just friends," I assured, shrugging my shoulders.
"You mean to tell me you don't still have feelings for him. Seriously, Charlie, he's fucking gorgeous!" she stressed.
"Well, it doesn't matter because I'm dating Zach and I really really like him," I said, speaking it into existence.
I quickly pushed my way through the crowd and started running towards Daniel, watching his expression change as he saw me. I sprinted to him and jumped into his muscular arms, hugging him and taking in his scent. He always smells so crisp and there's always a hint of cinnamon.
Daniel gently placed me on the ground and we leaned towards each other to place a friendly kiss on each other's cheeks.
"Where's Zach?" I asked, causing Daniel's smile to quickly falter, but he tried to cover it up.
"He's in the car. I had to come though, I haven't seen my best friend in almost a whole year. I really missed you," he said, leaning down to kiss my cheek again.
"Hey, stop kissing me. Zach's my boyfriend, remember?" I reminded.
He rolled his eyes and pulled me in for a hug so that only the two of us could hear what we were saying.
"Look, I know you and Zach are together, but if I want to kiss your cheek, I will kiss your cheek," he whispered, his breath warm against my neck.
"Okay, let's go, I wanna see Zach," I replied.
I went to grab my luggage while Skylar introduced herself to Daniel. She gave me a thumbs up when Daniel hugged her, causing me to laugh.
I pulled our luggage over and Daniel and Skylar helped carry it to the car, where Zach jumped out of the driver's seat and ran straight to me. I smiled once I felt his lips on mine, our bodies pressed together.
"I missed you," I whispered against his lips.
"Believe me, I've missed you more."
We shoved out bags into the car and then we all hopped back into Zach's car. Skylar gave me the look and then whipped out her phone, typing furiously.

Never met either of them until now, but it's creepy how awkward u and daniel are around each other

Shut the fuck up. Daniel and i are nothing

Whatever. When u kissed zach, i swear i could hear his heart shattering

Stop. we've been over this and our relationship will never work out. I love zach.

I glared over at Skylar and stuck my middle finger up as she pointed at Daniel and then drew a heart in the air with her fingers.
I know that things between Daniel and I are tense, but I didn't think anyone else would pick up on it. I internally started bawling my eyes out because I knew that if things continued on like this, then this is going to be one long ass summer.

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