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My eyes fluttered open and I instantly smelt Zach. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and his face was buried in my hair. I stared at my suitcase, which was propped up against his wall. I smiled, knowing I get to lay in bed next to Zach everyday, for the whole summer. Skylar is staying in the guest room, which she is fine with because the bed is huge and she was excited about that.
Last night, Daniel asked me to go get ice cream with him, but I said no. I decided that I should go home with Zach.
Because Zach is my boyfriend. Not Daniel.
Zach and I planned to just hang out today and enjoy each other's presence. He was going to take me to some of his favorite spots in the city.
I rolled over slowly in Zach's arms and began kissing his face all over to wake him up. He groaned and his eyes opened, but he was squinting.
"Goodmorning, are you done hibernating?" I joked, brushing some of his fluffy hair out of his eyes.
"Mmm, I'm sleepy," he whined, closing his eyes again and laying his head in my neck.
"Zach, it's almost noon. We better get up and get ready for the day," I said quietly.
I climbed out of his grasp and got out of bed, stretching. Zach only looked up at me, staring at me like a baby.
"Zach Herron," I warned.
He sighed and then rolled off the bed and onto the floor, pulling the blankets down with him. He then proceeded to crawl across the floor and into his closet, where he pulled two hoodies off the rack. He threw me the red hoodie and then stood up so that he could change.
I grabbed a pair of nike shorts and slipped them on after the hoodie. My hair was a little wavy, so I left it as it was and then went to brush my teeth. As I was going through my morning routine, Zach walked into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist and cuddled his head into my shoulder.
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too."
Zach and I finished getting ready and then went out for breakfast at a cafe downtown. After we ate, we went shopping for the rest of the day and then Zach took me to the beach to watch the sunset.
Zach sat down and I sat down between his legs and leaned back on his chest.
"Did you have fun today?" he asked.
"Yeah, it was a good day. Thanks for taking me out today," I answered.
"Hey, anytime. I'm sure Daniel is going to want to hang out with you tomorrow. He's been buggin out ever since he heard that you were coming home," Zach said.
"I know. He's a baby, I literally facetimed him all the time," I laughed.
"Yeah, well, he just misses you. A lot, I think. He brings you up a lot, you know," Zach went on.
"I miss him too. I mean, I feel bad ditching you to hang out with him, but we have always been attached at the hip since the day we met, so I'm sure it is hard when I'm not here."
"Don't feel bad, he's your best friend. I trust you. I know that you and Daniel have a past, but I know you wouldn't cheat on me. So, seriously, you better hang out with him tomorrow before he drags you out of the house," Zach laughed.
"Thanks, Zach. I love you so much. It makes it so much easier on me knowing that you're okay with me hanging out with Daniel."
"Of course I'm okay with it. I trust you."
He trusts me.
I think I trust myself too.
I trust myself to fight the feelings that I will always have for Daniel.

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