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I rubbed my eyes as I woke up, feeling like a piece of shit. I looked down, seeing that I was wearing Zach's t-shirt and only Zach's t-shirt, so we must have been really drunk last night.
I didn't remember much from last night, but one particular memory hit me like a train.
Daniel kissed someone last night.
I sighed and rolled out of bed, feeling my happiness being ripped away from me. I grabbed a pair of underwear and some shorts and slipped them on. I pulled my hair up and went downstairs to see Skylar passed out on the couch and Zach eating some toast. To my surprise, Corbyn and Daniel were also sitting on the couch, staring at their phones.
"Morning, fuckers," I grumbled, throwing myself down on the couch between Daniel and Corbyn.
"How's your head?" Corbyn asked.
"Shut up," I replied.
Corbyn laughed and I smacked his chest, causing him to shut up. Daniel was typing furiously on his phone, his little smile appearing as he typed.
"Who ya texting?" I asked, leaning over to see.
He jerked his phone away and smiled at me.
"Best friends don't lie to each other, Daniel," I warned.
He glared at me and then sighed.
"It's just this girl I met at the party last night. She's really cool, Char, I think you'll like her," Daniel smiled.
My heart started to hurt, but I faked a smile, pretending to be happy for him.
"Aw, Daniel has a crush," I teased, poking his side.
"Stop, she probably doesn't even like me like that," he said.
I only faked another smile and rested my head back on the couch. I watched Corbyn play a game on his phone while I drowned in my sorrows. Daniel was letting our little giggles like a teenage girl talking to Justin Bieber.
It was fucking killing me.
"I'm going back to bed, I don't feel good," I sighed.
I got up and started walking, only getting attention from Zach and Corbyn. Skylar was still sleeping and Daniel didn't even so much as glance at me. Zach gave me a forehead kiss and handed me a water, telling me he hoped I would feel better.
I laid down in bed and let my tears fall, listening to my heart shatter into a bunch of tiny little pieces. I felt like throwing up and crying and maybe even dying.
The door to Zach's room opened and Corbyn strolled in, closing the door behind him.
"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting down and pushing my hair out of my face.
"My stomach hurts," I lied.
"Okay. What's wrong?" he asked, sensing the lie.
"Daniel kissed a girl last night and now he's all flirty with her," I cried, sitting up so that I could cling to Corbyn.
"Aw, honey," he whispered, letting me cry on his shoulder.
"I-I, um...I-I shouldn't c-care, b-but-"
Corbyn cut me off with "Hey, just let it out, don't talk. You can tell me when you calm down, but for now just let it all out."
I nodded and let more tears fall into Corbyn's chest. Corbyn only quietly sang to me until I calmed down enough to talk to him.
"So, what were you trying to say earlier?" he asked.
"Well..um..I um...I talked to Daniel and everything is cool between us and we both agreed that we needed to end anything romantic between us. So, I have no right to be upset that he's having feelings for someone else, but I don't know...it kinda hurts," I expressed, starting to get teary eyed again.
"Hey, shh, don't cry. Don't say you have no right, your feelings are always valid," Corbyn reminded.
"Fuck, this is all too hard. I just want to throw myself off a bridge," I whimpered, still clinging onto Corbyn.
"Don't you dare say that. Life is hard, I get it. You just have to push through. I know that sounds like shitty advice, but it's true. When things get hard, just push through and hope for the best," he said.
I nodded and cuddled into Corbyn for comfort. I was still hurt. For the first time ever, talking to Corbyn didn't help. The only thing that would make this better is a kiss and some cuddles from Daniel, but that can't happen.
Daniel and I are over.
I thought he was the one who had to accept that, but turns out it's me that needs to accept it.

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