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I paced around Zach's house as I waited for him to arrive home. Daniel went to his house to talk to his girlfriend, which I'm assuming was going pretty rough because he texted me saying he needed a hug.
As much as I feel bad for Daniel, I understand why Marley is upset. Anyone would be upset, I mean, her fiance left her on her wedding day.
The front door knob jiggled and the door swung open. Zach walked in and rushed to me, hugging me tight. He attempted to place a kiss on my lips, but I dodged it.
"Where the hell did you go yesterday? We were all worried sick about you!" he scolded, his grip on my hands tight.
"Can we talk?" I asked.
He nodded and we sat down on the barstools in his kitchen.
"Zach, I...I really don't know how to start because this is going to be ugly no matter how I say it. I don't want you to think it's your fault because it absolutely is not. You are so amazing, Zach, you really are and I love spending time with you, please believe me when I say that. I love you so much, Zach, I really really do, it's just that..." I trailed off.
Zach was staring at me sadly, almost like he already knew what I was going to say.
"It's just that you have feelings for Daniel. I know, Charlie, you don't have to say it. I know you love him," Zach said.
I paused, I had no idea how to respond.
"H-how do you know?" I asked.
"It's so obvious, hun. You look at him with heart eyes and he looks at you the same way. I've known for a while, I just wanted to wait until you came to me about it. I didn't want to break up with you because I didn't want to hurt you by telling you that you have feelings for Daniel. I was just waiting until you figured it out on your own," Zach said.
"Gosh, Zach. I'm so sorry, I really didn't want things to end this way," I sighed.
"Don't apologize. You love who you love. I mean, yeah, it kinda hurts because you're really cool and I've really enjoyed being your boyfriend, but it is what it is. I'm not going to keep you from pursuing the person that you really love," Zach went on.
"Fuck, I hate this because...well, you're really really great too. Zach, you gave me some of the best years of my life. You're so amazing, Zach, you'll always have a special place in my heart," I said, starting to get choked up.
"Oh, shh, don't work yourself up. You'll be in my heart forever too. I'll always be here for you, whatever you need you can always come to me. I love you, Char Char," he smiled.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he circled his around my waist. We hugged for a long time, just saying goodbye. When we broke the hug, I gently kissed his cheek and then left to go get Daniel.
I drove to Daniel's house, which was empty except for him. I walked in and ran to him, kissing him as hard as I could.
We sat down on the couch next to each other and intertwined our fingers.
"Hey, um...Charlie?"
"Will you move in with me?"

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