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I laid in Zach's bed, wrapped tightly in his covers. Zach went to stay the night at his family's house, but I decided to stay home. Zach was fine with it because he understood that I didn't want to leave Skylar alone.
It was nearing eleven thirty at night and I did not feel good at all. A storm was rolling in and I am terrified of storms. The only person that knows about my fear is Daniel. Right now, I wish I could drive to his house and ask him for a hug, but I can't.
He's not my boyfriend. Besides, we're in a fight.
I heard Zach's words replaying in my head. Zach said he trusts me. I need to trust myself too.
I sighed and got up and grabbed my phone, shooting Daniel a text.

Hey, can you pick me up and take me back to ur place?

Yeah. are u okay?

Theres a storm and we really need to talk

Pack ur overnight bag. I'll be there soon

I smiled and started shoving clothes and toiletries into my bag. I knew Daniel was probably speeding to get here, so I got everything I needed quickly and then waited outside the front door.
After about five minutes of waiting, Daniel's car pulled up and I ran through the rain and into his car.
The whole ride back to his house was filled with an insanely awkward silence. Neither of us wanted to speak because we really didn't know what to say.
I followed Daniel into his house and set my bag down on the couch while he went into his kitchen. I took a deep breath before I entered the kitchen.
We both stood there, awkwardly, until I gave in and walked over to give him a hug. He relaxed in the hug and swayed me back and forth.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"What the fuck is happening to us? We've fought before, but I feel like we are falling apart," he frowned.
"I just....I don't know, it's both our faults. Every single time we are together, we act like we're fucking dating, but we're not!" I stressed, looking into his sad eyes.
"Yeah, well, you don't understand how it feels," he scoffed.
"I'm watching you do everything that is special to us, with Zach. I mean, stuff like the picnic. That's our fucking thing, Charlie. That really hurt," he expressed.
"I..I get it, Daniel, I really do, but he's my boyfriend. What was I supposed to do, say no?" I asked.
"Yeah! You could do literally anything else! I feel like you forget that I was here first!" he yelled.
I rolled my eyes, which only made him more angry. I could feel that this was about to get ugly, but I wasn't about to walk away.
"It doesn't matter that you were here first, Daniel. He's my boyfriend! I'm gonna kiss him and cuddle with him and go on dates with him and I'm sorry that you just aren't a part of that anymore!" I yelled back.
"Yeah, well it's starting to feel like I'm not a part of your life anymore either!" he screamed.
"Why the fuck would you even say that? You're being ridiculous!" I shouted.
"I'm being ridiculous? Me? Are you fucking serious? No, I'm not! I'm not being ridiculous, I'm upset because you are pushing me away and acting like a complete and total bitch when you know damn straight I'm the person that you should keep close!" he growled, causing me to feel weak.
Tears burned my eyes and blurred my vision. He called me a bitch. I was starting to feel like this was a bad idea. I came here to work things out, but he's obviously just angry and defensive.
"I think I should go home," I said, wiping a tear that I accidentally let fall.
"Wait, no. No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
"It doesn't matter, Daniel. This is why we never dated, remember? We don't fucking work!" I cried out, feeling my heart breaking.
I couldn't hold myself together any longer and before I knew it, I was breaking down in his arms on his kitchen floor.
I felt like someone was ripping my brain apart. I was sitting here, crying in Daniel's arms when I should be at home. I thought of Zach and my heart fluttered, but as soon as I looked up into Daniel's beautiful eyes, I lost any common sense I ever had.
I let the unstable parts of me take over and I started kissing Daniel, our tongues fighting as we kissed each other like we would never see each other again.
I stood up and pulled Daniel to his bedroom, laying down on his bed and letting him hover above me. His tongue explored my mouth as I started pulling his shirt off, which was followed by my shirt coming off. Our erroneous makeout session quickly turned into a lot more and before we knew it, we were cuddled into each other, naked and breathless.
"We're going to regret this in the morning, aren't we?" I asked.
"Absolutely. But it's not the morning yet, so just shush and let me hold you," he whispered.
I cuddled further into his body, trying to get warm.
"I'm cold," I whispered.
He reached over and grabbed a hoodie from the ground, helping me put it on before we laid back down and fell asleep in each other's grasp.

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